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PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:08 pm    Post subject: My Families Christmas Miracle

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Merry Christmas


Coming To You with tidings of Tears Of Joy

First I must tell You the story again (as some may remember this story) but once when I was alone and wanting to share the wonders that "my life" had given me with another, I was walking in a park downtown Pensacola where this Magnolia Tree was and this young girl was sitting on the bench looking at the tree and crying with a magnolia flower in her hands. And when I sat down I asked her to tell me what was on her heart as I knew somewhat what it was already and I knew that this meeting was to be a miracle. She said that she had given up on God (or the interpretations there off) and that she was praying or reaching towards this TREE for an answer. I told her that I knew her heart. (which I did but even now I realize that it really is everyone) I reached into my top pocket and pulled out my card which had STEPHENTREE Poet. I told her that this is her life coming to her in the form that she had chosen. This experience was magical for her and changed her tears to Tears Of Joy.

Put Magnolia stories here
The Magnolia synchs that many of You have shared with me and the white flower synchs about reaching Your heart. (the heart of girl on this planet)


How can I do this story justice with "MERE WORDS".

You See, as a father's love is not conveyed to the son in "mere words" but it is the "Spirit conveyed through Your life experience". So You will come to know the "true intention of my heart".

This Story is Still unfolding, and in order to understand the Spirit of "This Gift" then You will allow an ARROW through your heart. (Magnolia) Now as mere words miss the mark many have feared what I meant by this but as You get to know the Spirit You will see that it is more like YOU, my life and not a fearful thing.

This evolving story related to my father being in ICU and my family coming together to experience not just the miracle of this experience but the "train of experience" promised by the Spirit to REACH YOU.

This Story is in the Spirit of "The Miracle on 34th Street" and "You must loose Your way in order to find it. The GIFT is finding out (for sure) that You are already there but that each person does not know this completely. (even myself) Through the years of carrying this promise some memories had faded but in each experience with YOU, my life, each of them are again renewed.
And let me say, that True Christianity was destined to share this story for SHE is like the bride that did love the husband but when he went away the memory of him faded But that was intended as the moment in time of his return would find (the love we shared) from the beginning. Now at that moment of return it was realized that the "true intent of the heart was that they recognized each other" and all was forgotten for "she had kept idols to remember him and entertained other ideas in her fear being alone as he had gone away. http://stephentree.com/struggle/
But in that moment of return she realized she had kept an interpretation about him as he swept her up and all was forgotten. Though in their loneliness they both had entertained others and looked for comfort in other things to help keep their heart from the pain of separation.

Now, in REUNION the SPARK is lit and the glory and awe of their "Immensely Passionate and fulfilling Relationship" is CONTINUED as though never interrupted by fear and separation and all is forgotten in his absence for the love of what we share.

In order to do the truth of what is happening justice I must take my time in writing it so this is an evolving story,,, come back as it evolves.

Chapter Two
Your moments in wonder, reveal the true intentions of the heart.
Get ready for the Wild Ride!!!
Things are heating up and it all is going to go down fast. Swift!!!!

Last edited by dnatree on Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:33 pm; edited 2 times in total

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 8:22 pm    Post subject:

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A friend of mine died at age 17 from appendicitis. (I was only 10 at the time.)
Later that year I missed her terribly and I picked a magnolia blossom from the tree that grew in the yard of her family.
I took it home, got into my closet, shut the door, and took in the sweet heavy scent of that magnolia, and mourned the loss of my friend.
Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.
And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises
was often times filled with your tears.
How can it be?
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:10 pm    Post subject:

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DNA have you reconnected with someone who has always been a part of you, you carried her in your heart, but you had to leave behind physically for a time because of the struggle and her misinterpretation of you?

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:36 pm    Post subject:

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I am writing the story as it happens and will post a link, but the miracle of meeting the Columbian in Miami Airport (Hector) who has cancer at the very moment he and my father needed what transpired. (More to come)

RockGal wrote:


DNA have you reconnected with someone who has always been a part of you, you carried her in your heart, but you had to leave behind physically for a time because of the struggle and her misinterpretation of you?

More than one actually, in amazing ways this keeps happening.

Siduri (Ocean was easier to remember)
Sorry I have been caught up in the Whirlwind with my family and could not get back right away. What You wrote brings together the forgiveness and family with the "white flower" synch related to death that I have had about reaching across death.

This whole experience has been amazing and has touched all in my family and especially to see the smile on my father's face again related to this children returning as Three of us had shown up to experience what happened. This is touching everyone and fulfilling my dreams in 1993 of bringing them together and giving them a Christmas truly from Spirit.
Your moments in wonder, reveal the true intentions of the heart.
Get ready for the Wild Ride!!!
Things are heating up and it all is going to go down fast. Swift!!!!

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 5:44 pm    Post subject:

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I told my sister that things would turn around when we got there and so I traveled by plane to Ft. Lauderdale, and by TRAIN to West Palm Beach and then drove my sister 11 hours to Pensacola where when we got there it turned out that they were going to take him in for another operation but then things changed and he began to come back and when he opened his eyes and for the first time in years saw so many of his children he smiled in such away we had not seen in a long time. Now it was rough keeping him in bed and he had many hallucinations where he was "reaching" for invisible switches and controls and reaching like a baby and feeling the "hem of the blanket" trying to understand where he was and what it all was. Not knowing whom I was he asked what nationality I came from and I said Scottish, and he asked what Clan and I said McDuff. He was delighted for as he did not remember who I was he remembered he was of Scottish Decent and he began to Speak of McDuff coming over to Plymouth. And I said that while I did not know he was in the hospital that I was at a Scottish candle vidual.


Then we came upon the town of Plymouth with the Scotts gathering and the candle lite vidual which I did not know at the moment my father was in ICU fighting for his life last night.

Now I have shot a video for my family that had many synchs in it about the housekeeping. Jolting the body and my family (Shiver me Timbers Captain) and beliefs about healing that the Spirit would Speak through.



I'm so glad that your father beat the odds.

And now several of my friends are in the same boat with cancer and they have peculiar beliefs that the synchs indicate each will be "made right" or their experience with healing will be according to their strange beliefs. My father with poison, jolts, and challenging the body to heal or housekeeping. (like if you spray a substance in all the rooms of a house and the housekeeper must clean every cranny and finds what they had not noticed in the cracks, such as cancer) And my Jewish friend who years ago laughed that "everything is ok as long as when You get up from the seat there is no blood". Well there is now and he jokes with me just before going under about coming back where as I say to him "Santa said I will be back again someday". Frosty the snowman said "I will be back again someday". Steven said "I will be back again someday". Jesus said "I wil be back again someday". And the humor and "strange magic" are how he will be healed. This friend was in the same hospital as my father just before and after my father. We discussed that this was dreamed from the start and that "This is how I will Reach You". Now I have been meeting many more as well with cancer and with beliefs that will be "made right" by Spirit such as my Columbian friend I met in the Miami Airport at the very door when we both needed to meet and his belief is that he has the synch that as a bottle drops and would normally break that just before it bursts (dies) it would be caught or saved from breaking. And there is the singer at the motel the other day that has all kinds of cancer and tumors but that the foolishness of her beliefs would be "made right". So this is the Spirit that will reach to the heart this Christmas. (Magnolia)

Because each of these were not told that they would be healed by doctors but by their "strange belief" that the "right people" could never understand. So it will not be thier belief in man but in the power demenstraited in each life. For as it was that a man was told to wash seven times in the Jordan and now all the "right people" in retrospect believe this but when they see the same thing but not according to their interpretation they will misunderstand. So each belief will be a separate path and made right. That was the rock, that it came out of Your belief and not from the "rightness of man's interpretation".

Here is the synch with meeting the Columbian in the Miami Airport


River that is what we have been talking about and about the tow truck decorated like that as he had no home to decorate. I brother is a truck driver and we have been buying antlers to wear in pictures but my sister and I were talking about lighting his truck. LOL

Amazing recovery and process started in my family and father's lives. I will try to tell the story in a way given me by the synchs as I am having miracles at every turn. Such as the meeting of the Columbian friend (Hector) who was very aware of synchronicity and we shared so much in the early morning while waiting for our flights.

It turned out that father was fighting for his life at the moment of the Scottish Candle light walk and as I was thinking of him but that the page I got was incorrect as my Step mom put a one in the pager before leaving the voice message so I did not get paged again until the next day. Because of what happened when my Sister and I got there and what I stated before I left as I had dreamed similar in 1993 and what I stated happened at the moment we arrived.

and last this quote about the nature of reality changing because of love
Quote dnatree


It is coming down to because of the passion given to Spirit in faith that REALITY changes due to that love similar to a husband and wife where if a husband saw his wife being treated wrongly because of those that never knew him, that they say she is wrong and mistreat her, it is then that Spirit would reveal a small point overlooked that would......

MAKE HER RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It never was who is right, that is a misconception of reality, but rather who is loved and who loves.


All this I dreamed in 1993 to bring my family together and reach You.

And to do away with Interpretation I put forth that not one stone upon which the Interpretors have built their interpretation will be set upon another as all will be upset in order to do away with the power that has separated from the beginning of society. But that through love and passion the parts of society that are loved will remain. But the power to uphold them will be "synergistic dreams" and motivated by Spirit not by man's ESTABLISHMENT.
Your moments in wonder, reveal the true intentions of the heart.
Get ready for the Wild Ride!!!
Things are heating up and it all is going to go down fast. Swift!!!!

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:27 pm    Post subject:

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I did a video of Milton Florida as my dad was in ICU and this was one of my synchs for my family.

Here is the Santa Rosa Medical Center where both my father and my Milton friend Mark were both having their "wild ride".

ICU on the fourth floor and my father was in room four. 44

Here is the Cisco Restraunt where I took Raine all the time when she was only three and when I walked in there that morning the song as I thought about my father and just picked up a symbol of my children on the road "A father does not love his children every now and then, it is a love without end Amen" and when I got to the hospital my brother had the synch with the same song and my sister had the song "Dance with my father" which was the song I played dancing with Raine and laughing and crying "tears of joy" because YOU, my life indicated YOU would reach them.

Small pic of me with my father after he was transferred out of ICU
Your moments in wonder, reveal the true intentions of the heart.
Get ready for the Wild Ride!!!
Things are heating up and it all is going to go down fast. Swift!!!!