For humans this life is about how appearance is deceiving
When one person betrays in order to lead someone down the garden path and ALL THE OTHERS in the MOB judge themselves guilty by the vote.(OCHLOS is the word for MOB as in when Jesus was betrayed) The crime that those who are implicated do not even know they are doing is related to the appearance of love while secretly leading one to betrayal. In our society justice has no way of knowing the true intent so it convicts the person being scammed instead of the real CRIMINAL. Here is the scam in a nutshell.
First the person wanting to scam the person fakes as though they love them and speaks well of the person until they know the person believes them. This is the leading down the garden path. Such as the one that acted as though they wanted to start new with me but really was leading me to a trap. The trap in my case was where the woman would instead of being humble and learning from the SPIRIT all of a sudden while POURING OUT HATE FOR ANOTHER MAN IN A THREAD asking for sympathy or understanding begins to get angrier and angrier and if You are a man there to comfort and help her understand how to stop CREATING such in their lives SHE REALLY IS LOOKING FOR THE RIGHT MOMENT TO POUR OUT HER ANGER AND SELF RIGHTNESS ON HIM. Many of the times this occurred in my reality it only took her getting mad and all the others around would of course not look at what is really happening but immediately side with the woman even if her intent was obvious to trap him. Therefore the OCHLOS/MOB is implicated in the lie. Now at this moment that he finds her true intent is to trap and has nowhere to turn but react to anger something happens like what happened to SCARLET my red car got violated and a tool used for making money was taken from the back seat. Now either I am humiliated by the scam or I say what the synch is saying however even then I do not implicate of judge but say perhaps this has something to do with the real intent. Now the fact that I am being scammed right here about a time she was “””””””””””hurt””””””””””””” and that bad person took the blame as he should has nothing to do with this scam even if that is what it obviously is. Then the person (or their compadray) enters another forum in order to pull the same scam again leading to appearances. Each time even though they are found out the CROWD/MOB/GROUP would only care to enter into the fray if they could spew their own hate toward men. Therefore I left the mob that has included themselves in the shame. What man in the group would stand up for me either because of the shame that the group would bring on them. (wolf pack as I have spoken of since 2005 Katrina)
This is the
hate crime that those wanting to appear loving and on the side of the law use
over and over against whom they hate. This is used by both the snake and the
woman that wanted the law/good and evil list from the beginning at that tree
in the garden. Those hiding on the side
of the law using it unlawfully for their own gain would “outnumber those
criminals on the left side of the law/cross”. In this, all are criminals on
this planet, for all have followed the beast with the woman at it’s head. It is
considered terrible to mention what most men feel about this both the
governments and women using the law in this manner. It is horrifying because
the woman is supposed to be granted instant standing above a man in the way of
purity as the riddle suggest. Girls are made of………Boys are made of greasy
grimey gofer guts.. So You would be hated above all men just to point out the
obvious as like the beast You must have this image of the beast or else You are
an outcast from society. Back to the
scam as in this diagram
I know You hate me because I am the
only person that ever told you the truth
The rest are ashamed because the whole
world has followed after this lie
You must be hated above all men for the
JESUS’s sake (Actually the SPIRIT speaking through Jesus)
Seeing they cannot see and hearing they cannot hear as they go on to be convicted believing their appearance will save them. This is why beauty has to be questioned
It is important to remember the presumption that led all the forums to BAN DNATREE in the spring of 2011 because on Aug 26th as predicted on my father’s death every single person found they were wrong. Very important because of where we are headed. These people were offered to understand how to live without shame and blame but each decided they wanted to use shame and blame not knowing that this sets them to receive shame and blame from that moment on. They created this for themselves but want to blame the one that does not believe there should be shame and blame. They chose their part in this story.
This scam has put more men away than any other crime, replacing the one that is finagling for money, or whatever with the gullible person who followed her or the snake down the garden path.
How all are convicted through the lie
"Let his blood be upon us and upon our children".
But they don’t see the truth, they see what is deeply
ingrained in them to see.
They see what they are expected by the norms to see, if they
didn’t they would feel ashamed. (The SPIRIT said through Jesus “
It is because of Your
blind following of such a scam that none on the forums can be trusted and why I
have left. I showed how life could be free of shame and blame and yall just
wanted shame and blame securing Your own shame in history. All the forums