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1  General Category / Anything Goes / NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 on: Today at 11:34:23 
NOT AGAIN!!! Plans to shut down this forum.

It is important that what has happened here not be covered up and deleted again like what happened to the old proph. How are these things going to be preserved? If Irene exactly and to effect this forum as also stated then to get rid of that would be trying to cover the truth THAT HAPPENED HERE.


Posted May 21st 2011
August 2011 comes an event/storm that will change everything on these forums. You may misunderstand me, (on purpose) but DO NOT misunderstand (none will escape, nor humiliate) the Spirit when it begins SPEAKING through the coming events.

The same thing happened years ago when something real happened on the old proph. Sad They do not know what they are doing that cover up this.

The post about what would happen in August was also posted on Oro, why do you all allow this to be continuously covered? Come on folks, who will stand up for the Spirit. This does not mean following or worshiping any person but reveals the true intentions of the heart of man.

Quote Scarlet&Tom
Those whose GOD and ROCK s the interpretation of a book will find it to be a STONE of STUMBLING.
Those whose GOD and ROCK is the SPIRIT that IS LIFE will have something fresh to cling to each day!
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2  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: DON'T CLICK ON EMAIL FROM PROPH'S TO CONFIRM E
 on: Today at 11:12:46 
It is important that what has happened here not be covered up and deleted again like what happened to the old proph. How are these things going to be preserved? If Irene exactly and to effect this forum as also stated then to get rid of that would be trying to cover the truth THAT HAPPENED HERE.


Posted May 21st 2011
August 2011 comes an event/storm that will change everything on these forums. You may misunderstand me, (on purpose) but DO NOT misunderstand (none will escape, nor humiliate) the Spirit when it begins SPEAKING through the coming events.

The same thing happened years ago when something real happened on the old proph. Sad They do not know what they are doing that cover up this.
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3  Prophecies and Predictions / Post Predictions / Re: New Tree Message
 on: Today at 01:05:29 
Quote Tree
YOU/SPIRIT are my life
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4  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: Scarlet Brought to Her Knees
 on: Yesterday at 10:30:21 
Edit that everything just seems to have fixed itself. I plugged the exciter into the alternator today and everything  works perfectly. Hmmmmmm
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5  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: Scarlet Brought to Her Knees
 on: 09/19/11 at 20:25:55 
Got up and was very passionate to get all the things I had to get done. I got the funds transferred and found the whole alternator for just a little more than the decoupler pulley but it was very difficult to put it in. Had to remove tire, lower compressor remove idler pulley and serpintine belt and  then getting the alternator out was still pretty difficult.. But I am happy to say all izz well and Scarlet is alive again..  Smiley

Just want to put this here for the
Dodge forums that I am planning to communicate with Dodge relative to the intent.

Irene posted on several blogs in May predicted exactly for the 26th my father's death on this blog.

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6  Prophecies and Predictions / Post Predictions / Re: FINAL WARNING FOR JULY!!
 on: 09/19/11 at 14:54:19 
She is my life
She is my wife
She came out from me in the beginning
We were one in the beginning
She is my dream and I am the dreamer dnatree

My birth in July
Rain is also July (My Daughter)
My father was July

What SHE life does is not evil especially if without it mankind would destroy itself.

Just a reference to the subject

She must reach your heart or else all is lost.
The masses absent of intention receive by default because they do not have intention they are taken by the Sickle. (I hope this does not mean death but rather the heart is reaped)

May the Spirit be with You all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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7  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: Scarlet Brought to Her Knees
 on: 09/19/11 at 12:17:23 
Another post related to Spirit indicating humans are my Body as the Spirit through Jesus indicated which was interpreted by religion to mean only they were the body of Christ. (led by the letter to misunderstand)

Leaders blinded by money cannot hear that the policies of the past caused this. Even their fixes will be a lie as they will still be looking through the eyes of the interests of money.  Buffet and Al Gore seem to be more in line with the true intentions of the heart about money and yet they too have money. (part of misunderstanding about the Spirit and the intentions of the heart) Money and all that we share will amount to nothing without the smallest of points humans overlook known only by the Spirit. The Sputtering economy is related to my Story about Scarlet brought to her knees, and Religion also as the Spirit that speaks says "humans are my body". This is why it was posted on SEPT 25th 2008 Boat Sinking Bailout will not work before it came about. All who follow money's advise are like those that are taken by the sickle and reaped by the intentions of money. Those doing the taking will think themselves smart until they themselves are reaped by the Spirit shortly thereafter.

Body cells that follow a pattern other than the original intent within them lead  to cancer and death for the body. You cannot interpret through what is seen outside you, but only through the truth written in the cells and through experience "drink this cup" then written upon the heart. All through history humans have tried to follow an interpretation instead of Spirit and found they followed an idol that was not true. Now the world demands you follow that idol/interpretation impossible to overcome WITHOUT TRUE LOVE THROUGH SPIRIT.

One more time, someone at Oro make my account work, all attempts to reset password are thwarted by someone. I am asking nicely. Smiley
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8  Prophecies and Predictions / Signs / Re: Signs Of The Times
 on: 09/19/11 at 12:06:12 
Leaders blinded by money cannot hear that the policies of the past caused this. Even their fixes will be a lie as they will still be looking through the eyes of the interests of money.  Buffet and Al Gore seem to be more in line with the true intentions of the heart about money and yet they too have money. (part of misunderstanding about the Spirit and the intentions of the heart) Money and all that we share will amount to nothing without the smallest of points humans overlook known only by the Spirit. The Sputtering economy is related to my Story about Scarlet brought to her knees, and Religion also as the Spirit that speaks says "humans are my body". This is why it was posted on SEPT 25th 2008 Boat Sinking Bailout will not work before it came about. All who follow money's advise are like those that are taken by the sickle and reaped by the intentions of money. Those doing the taking will think themselves smart until they themselves are reaped by the Spirit shortly thereafter.

Body cells that follow a pattern other than the original intent within them lead  to cancer and death for the body. You cannot interpret through what is seen outside you, but only through the truth written in the cells and through experience "drink this cup" then written upon the heart. All through history humans have tried to follow an interpretation instead of Spirit and found they followed an idol that was not true. Now the world demands you follow that idol/interpretation impossible to overcome WITHOUT TRUE LOVE THROUGH SPIRIT.
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9  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: Passion and Purpose
 on: 09/19/11 at 10:18:34 
We were drawn to watch the hidden history of Egypt and found that it said what the synchs said earlier about cooperation and love vs the slave theory that was first portrayed by historians about Egypt.
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10  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: Something being built.....
 on: 09/19/11 at 10:02:30 
The greatest misunderstanding comes from interpretting anything I write rather than going to the Spirit. It must be remembered that a lot of folks that will receive these words need to be jolted out of the self rightness of interpretation and see what they have overlooked about the Spirit. Not to cause them to have to follow this but to free those controlled by those reading a book and using it against them. For each person, the Spirit speaks differently and many things that seem harsh are not intended for those that are having Spiritual experience but for those hiding behind religion or interpretation. (even facts such as science) If you misunderstand the intent and everyone will be presumptuous without the Spirit, humbly I must say "even Me". Embarrassed If that is what You need to hear to accept my love through the Spirit is true. Do not worry about what I say except the Spirit use any part to reach your heart. I mean no harm to anyone, I only want to reach You about what the Spirit has done for me. The precise Irene and hundreds of other synchs which began about the storms and stockmarket etc. started as early as 1993 and were not meant to prove anyone wrong but to give respect (glory) to the Spirit. The constant misunderstanding due to the nature of human "rightness" causes folks fear to join in and with true intention of heart press forward to help reach "OUR OWN".

The misunderstanding because of words about the Spirit's love and intention to make his friend right pertaining to showing the "rightness of the Spirit over thinking" is meant to cause love and respect but many just run and hide when you have nothing to hide from as all the sins of religion are meaningless and are just what those hiding use against others. The Spirit Judges NO ONE, but the judgement is felt by those that believe in punishment as we draw to ourselves what we believe in. Two folks such as a religious person and the prophet they say they follow can do the very same thing but the intention of heart is drastically different.  The postings about Egypt and the love that propelled folks to cooperate is related to our misunderstanding of those who went before us.
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11  General Category / Anything Goes / Scarlet Brought to Her Knees
 on: 09/19/11 at 09:09:51 
Let me first give you this quote from MY PAM as it shows the whole experience many are having in these times of trouble. The WILD HEARTED RIDE we have experienced was very much what I had experienced that brought me also to this point many years ago and it JOLTED PAM in a very surprising and WONDERFUL way.

PAM gave this to me to SHARE

I was forced in a situation that I found NOTHING SAVED me that I had planned or prepared. I thought I WAS GOING TO DIE, I thought that the dropped dead synchs that began to occur with Steve I felt were the result of my fears and were meant for ME. But I was soon to see that like the pets in the healing synch, that SCARLET OUR CAR was taking the hit and I really believe it is doing it "IN MY PLACE."  Undecided I was overwhelmed how the SPIRIT provided in such an experience that seemed hopeless, and not only the one need but so many. This was an adventure in life supplying all our needs in a way that could never have been expected.

But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into.


I guess the place to start is the drop dead synchs that we had in the very same restraunt as we had them before and as I was talking to a friend "TAB" I noticed the fellow in the background that I had the DROP DEAD synchs about his family member another time I was up in Eureka. I told TAB (the hairy fellow in the foreground of this pic) that the reason the Spirit always starts with the fear is then by trusting it is taken away. So it also is with the storms and the tribulation so to speak. Well on the way to Eureka the alternator in the car began making noise. At 11:30PM the alternator quit and we had to get the rest of the way on the battery and low gas also because I could not stop for gas. We made it just as She was dying into the parking lot of the motel. We slept KNOWING the Spirit would help me to find a way to fix it. After doing our work the next day I went to work on SCARLET. A young girl came up to me and asked me if I had a "CHARGER"  for a mobile phone. I asked to see the connector on her phone and she said she had the right usb connector but no way to charge it. I noticed her laptop on the sidewalk next to her boyfriend and said that if she has the connector then that laptop could charge it. She said "OH YES!" I just needed to hear that. I then realised that I too needed an alternative charging system as the night before I had looked up the problem and found that DODGE was holding a gun to folks head for $680 for a new alternator installed. I had bought one recently rebuilt for the old VW for only $30 dollars. Then I found that not only does the battery not charge but the alternator seemed to short intermittantly and further crippled the car. Everyone on the internet indicated that the fix was to pay up to DODGE. Well we did not know we would run into such expense and several things seemed to be failing early on this vehicle. We went over to Arcata to do another job and there was a Harbor tools. I went in and found a "charger" on sale for $35 dollars. The problem was mulitplied by how IMPOSSIBLE it was to get even to the connectors on the alternator let alone remove it. Angry After getting the charger we let it charge over night. However I did not know at this point that the alternator decoupling pulley was the problem and that the alternator not turning would actually cause it to "short out the battery" and cause the computer to further "shut down the car". We were in the middle of nowhere when the car failed. Halfway between Legget and Laytonville where the cell phones were dead. Pam had planned AAA would save us in such an event and I had told her the preminition that if we did not have INSURANCE that the Spirit would provide what we need but that the insurance would give a false sense of security. Sure enough it put us in such a place that only a miracle would save us as the car had no warranty and the fix was beyond our financial ability at the moment. We were in the middle of nowhere and I took the battery loose and measured with my meter a direct short of 1 ohm. As the car cooled the short went away. In order to remove the connectors and thus the short I found that this problem seemed to be engineered to cause great difficulty and bring the car to a place to make dodge the only one that could fix it. Through great difficulty I removed the connectors but it was too late the battery was dead. Jumping it would not help as the computer would not work unless the battery was sufficiently charged. Someone stopped that had US cellular which was the only phone that would work in that area and AAA came and towed us to Laytonville. I told Pam that we would rest in the Cottage Motel and start fresh in the morning. I charged the battery over night and with the intermittent short from the alternator removed we could get by the problem and the car would go about 100 miles before the computer started shutting down systems. Pam realized that most anyone else like it was shown on the net would have been forced to pay at least $600 to get the problem fixed. Between the stress and near the edge experiences together with Pam feeling helpless and totally dependent she had a breakdown in this MOTEL where she surrendered the the Spirit as she saw how the Spirit was helping me to do what could not be done without that hope.

We found the car was designed to make it impossible to repair in the field even this simple alternator problem, but we had to overcome this. When we got home I was able to research the problem further and found that all I needed to do was to replace the decoupling pulley drastically changing the outcome and expense of this problem.

Pam cried when we finally made it to our exit in Stockton "tears of Joy" as to how we overcame through the synchs that helped us and how the scarey synchs such as Drop Dead were not what she thought and this helped her to see the true benevolent nature of the Spirit that the INTERPRETATIONS misunderstand.

Pam wanted to share her experience in the surrender and respect for the Spirit and our renewed closeness which I is exactly what I asked for relative to Irene and the synchs of late. Well many were reached through the blatant Spiritual communication of Irene and the synchs of late but still misunderstand the benevolence and the intention. We had many other miracles happen to get us home relative to this.

Today I am being spoken to about the synchs with Irene and the premonition of it spoken of in the Mount Whitney post. For there we met Irene Cuffe and spoke of the "thunder and lightning of the Spirit" needed to reach folks. Also note the dates of the Irene synchs last year at mount Whitney. I feel that if we begin to nurture mutual synchs on the forums, like the ones that we have been having and those that were stopped by those running off folks on the other forums. Bear, Owl synchs and the Stoves catching on fire all at the same time, that these were meant to show how we cooperate in the Spirit for mutual understanding and benefit.

Other synchs: Bird loves Gold Rush String Cheese

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12  Prophecies and Predictions / Predictions Discussion / Re: here's something thats been whispered in my ea
 on: 09/19/11 at 07:40:53 
PM you wrote

I find within myself as many intuitives have that I am becoming more accurate which can really be kind of scary.

This is the intention I feel the Spirit has for everyone that wants to overcome what is coming. I had an experience that I will post where I felt that not only on this board many times, including recent attempts to entrap me, but now toward MY PAM that spiritual warfare was being cast but as you will see the Spirit helped her in a very wonderful way as SCARLET OUR CAR was "BROUGHT TO HER KNEES" as in DROPPED DEAD and that caused PAM to surrender fully to the Spirit which gave me a miracle answer that got us back home and fixed a problem which was designed to cripple the car and cause great expense. When Pam saw how the Spirit helped me to do what "had to be done", her heart was broken and it brought her to her knees as many are experiencing now.  This propelled both of us toward greater love for each other and our lives together. What a wonderful yet "ON THE EDGE" experience we just got back from. I will place a link here to the Story. I love all of you, even those that seem right now to be against the Spirit and this story should show that we all misunderstand the Spirit and are ever learning from our experience. DO NOT FEAR, rather jump for joy as the Spirit is ON YOUR SIDE! Once again, the benevolence of Spirit is not to bring any rules except the one to love the Spirit that is life and to love each other LINK TO SCARLET BROUGHT TO HER KNEES. (Will be active as soon as I finish it)
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13  Prophecies and Predictions / Predictions Discussion / Re: A feeling death is coming for many
 on: 09/14/11 at 08:48:19 
Do not fear that life will end, fear that life will never begin for You. YOU Spirit ARE my life.

I am going away for a while
Some need time to heal
Some need time to absorb the changes
All need to acknowledge the Spirit

Sidenote: Passion!
Learning from our enemies, like in warfare, instead of throwing money and technology at it which can be used against us, let us start to change by putting PASSION first and use what we already have in a fresh way. The Muslims are not any more right in their interpretation but will their passion be a greater offering to the Spirit? Let's go people, this is our family,(love and passion) our land, let's take control back from money as the smallest of points overlooked can destroy billions in technology meant to safeguard us. Passion! Like insurance and those that laughed about the uninsured dying do not place your faith in money.
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14  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: Walk together
 on: 09/13/11 at 12:18:10 
Let's walk again, as Olive Trees

RainMusic, Where is your WAVE post? Never mind I found it. Rhino... hmmm
Where is my Blue Rhino post? Can someone with an account over "there" please find the blue rhino post?
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15  General Category / General Board / Re: What song is currently, stuck in your head?
 on: 09/13/11 at 11:47:30 
Joanie is the mother of my daughter Sarah
She runs to prove something to herself and my daughter
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16  Prophecies and Predictions / Religion / Re: What is your Faith?
 on: 09/13/11 at 11:12:53 
Kishar wrote:
for it is not worth it to me to get angry and be the cause of heartache.  After all, though the curse my be on someone else, I feel the full brunt of the sorrow that comes from its outcome.


I will walk among a mount of olive TREES, men's hearts broken from war that gather and walk as OLIVE TREES.

Dove on the branch crying

The Problem Child
You knew it from the start that I would break your heart.
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17  Prophecies and Predictions / Predictions Discussion / Re: A feeling death is coming for many
 on: 09/12/11 at 23:52:31 
Nothing is set in stone. Ask anything of the father "believing" and it will be given to You.

How much do you love your own?

How much do you  love the earth?

How much do you want the belief that it must all end to be changed?

I tell You, that if you will believe in what the Spirit can do through the Son of Man then the
Believe in the Spirit and the way will be shown through though it seem impassable.

Those whose GOD and ROCK s the interpretation of a book will find it to be a STONE of STUMBLING.
Those whose GOD and ROCK is the SPIRIT that IS LIFE will have something fresh to cling to each day!

How much do you love your own?

How much do you  love the earth?

How much do you want the belief that it must all end to be changed?
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18  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: Something being built.....
 on: 09/12/11 at 23:21:12 
Passion and Purpose,, building the Pyramids

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19  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: Passion and Purpose
 on: 09/12/11 at 23:05:24 
We went walking tonight downtown and a ball Game was going on. The music they were playing was

Then we got home and on the TV it said
Get Excited,,,,, the time is now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today we had synchs with termites and mound building termites.

Back in the 1980's I had a synch about how terimites build when they first begin building they scurry around picking up sticks and laying them down it is when two lay down their sticks and the sticks touch that the synergy begins and all the builders converge upon this point.

Research Regarding Nonlocal Effects 88

I will now review the research regarding field effects.

Insect and Animal Coordination and Nonsensory Communication. Sheldrake considers animal societies to be social morphic units, which “provides a way of understanding the coordination of the behavior of individual organisms within the social unit: the colony, school, flock, herd, pack, group, or pair".89 For example, he and other researchers have concluded that the behavior of the members of termite colonies are coordinated by social fields, which contain the blueprints for the construction of the colony, and pass through physical barriers.90 Experiments have indicated that neither sense-mediated communication, nor an electrical field, can likely explain how termites, after the nest they are building is cut in half and separated by a steel plate, can still go on to create structures and tunnels that are perfectly aligned.91 Consequently, Sheldrake has concluded that in termite colonies:

the individual insects are coordinated by social fields, which contain the blueprints for the construction of the colony…. To make models without taking such fields into account is rather like trying to explain the behavior of iron filings around a magnet [while] ignoring the field, as if the pattern somehow "emerged" from programs within the individual iron particles.92

The highly respected biologist, Edwin Wilson, has similarly argued that "The total simulation of construction of complex nests from a knowledge of the summed behaviors of the individual [social] insects has not been accomplished and stands as a challenge to both biologists and mathematicians.”93

Living Stones are what the pyramid builders believed they were building. Now this can be also related to what we build now in this generation.
If we put less money and more passion and purpose into what we build.

The Brick synch and the mud machine of my youth

The Misunderstanding of Three websites was predicted in 1993 and everyone needs to increase passion in order for great things to start happening.

Quote from my Book in 1993 (See how exactly what happened on these forums was predicted in 1993)

From the post Romance in Spirit posted 1/17/2001 written in 1993

Spirit to the beloved
"I will not betray your trust in me" Come on big wave Rapture!!!Speedy ressurection to glory ________________________________________________________ Huge! Reordering wave,, come rescue me I treasure your love... When you really really need it the most is when Rock and Roll dreams come true. ____________________________________________________________ Glorify the tree with YOUR fruit what is meant to be finds a way you can't call it life standing outside the fire I am a tube,, spewing fire I feel lucky today __________________________________________________________ Love,, the strenth to try once more Fruit of life We're in the love together and like fruit on the vine it gets sweeter all the time Do ya feel like NEW! New way of life YOU AND I will share a "springtime" of our love, that will be talked about for generations and endure many lives.
You misconscrued my IN TENT Let it roll!!! do ya feel the power Fullness (passionate,burning,cross, mobile,fullness) Wait upon the dream, then, when he and she meet,, it's right.

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20  Prophecies and Predictions / Religion / Re: What is your Faith?
 on: 09/12/11 at 18:14:34 
I am all that I am and all that I have experienced with YOU/my life. But to put a name on it is like trying to name the UNnamable Spirit. Today the Spirit spoke through a Mormon post. Often I hear through Rumi/Islam. My beginnings were through Jesus and Christianity. But to make anything that GOD created as IT or GOOD creates an idol and a box and is like eating from the tree that makes some things good and some evil. I believe nothing except what YOU/my life give me to believe in "this moment". I am ALL THINGS to ALL PEOPLE. Like the Pharaohs, I and all my own are headed to a world that is made up of all the things we love, just like tomorrow contains these things. The passion to build the pyramids is related to this the love that would join them for eternity with the King. The King is not the person but the Spirit that Speaks through the Pharaoh. Jesus spoke of this when he said "Of all my own I have not lost one of them". It is best not to curse those in the Spirit, You will find that any curse sent against the Spirit finds no place to land as where the Spirit of God is all fear is cast out and such a curse would return multiplied to the sender.

Once in the OLD PROPHECIES and once as tree.  I was told to say that it seems like more to certain people because of all the many times you have planned outing me.They want others to believe it was more and that it was not their plans that did it.  Put your intention to mutual benefit.
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21  General Category / Anything Goes / Scarlet and Passion
 on: 09/12/11 at 17:41:35 
Because of the Synchs on 911 about Passion and Scarlet I decided to post a new thread that is related to this other Thread. Passion and Purpose is very much related to both Americans and our Enemies related to 911.

Here is the vid to go with this picture

A day of wanting to get our passion up to do something (Pam wanted to go to the Airshow) led us to have many very cool experiences.

Edit to add: Almost forgot this but when we drove over to where they had the Airshow we pulled into a parking lot where they had a barbacue for the HARVEST Church there at Madison in Sacramento near Mather field. We ended up having a great lunch both ate for 10 dollars and spoke to the Church folks about the Spirit and the coincidence with the Harvest and now the Harvest Moon. I think they were blown away with the synchs about the Spirit.

We woke up and both could not find the passion to go to the Airshow, so I suggested we go find what is new at the bird sanctuary and get in the mood there to do something.

That turned out to be a very good idea as we were surprised by the NEW experiences we had there.
Before leaving I was taken by this picture of Saturn in the news from the Cassina

First thing that happened at the Sanctuary was I found this small symbol of Change Related to Saturn that I have always had synchs with before.

I have some videos showing the synchs we were enjoying while at the sanctuary.

It's Alive (click for video)
We had clues leading up to this critter that was ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next as we walked we heard a train coming. The train was the biggest we ever saw pass at the Sanctuary. It had eight engines in front and one in the back.

We also ran into a Robin Bird turning over leaves to find a meal. And a squirrel chewing away on something in a tree by where we were seating.

We went to the spot I had dreamed of sharing with Pam (click for video)
We found this hole in the tree that spoke of the home in the tree.

It's always different in the Sanctuary

We went riding and ended up in Folsom where the Scarlet picture above was taken. We walked to the 1893 bridge location and had a wonderful time.


Quote from my Book in 1993 (See how exactly what happened on these forums was predicted in 1993)

From the post Romance in Spirit posted 1/17/2001 written in 1993

Spirit to the beloved
"I will not betray your trust in me" Come on big wave Rapture!!!Speedy ressurection to glory ________________________________________________________ Huge! Reordering wave,, come rescue me I treasure your love... When you really really need it the most is when Rock and Roll dreams come true. ____________________________________________________________ Glorify the tree with YOUR fruit what is meant to be finds a way you can't call it life standing outside the fire I am a tube,, spewing fire I feel lucky today __________________________________________________________ Love,, the strenth to try once more Fruit of life We're in the love together and like fruit on the vine it gets sweeter all the time Do ya feel like NEW! New way of life YOU AND I will share a "springtime" of our love, that will be talked about for generations and endure many lives.
You misconscrued my IN TENT Let it roll!!! do ya feel the power Fullness (passionate,burning,cross, mobile,fullness) Wait upon the dream, then, when he and she meet,, it's right.

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22  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: ‘Dad, look what I found!’
 on: 09/12/11 at 15:55:39 
Love to find things that make me wonder, and that is cool!

Spiritual Food and Manna meaning "What is IT?" Each synch causes me to ask that question.

Discover something New!

Along that them I found this today
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23  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: Where do you get them from?
 on: 09/12/11 at 14:36:27 
I became a STUDENT of this Spirit in 1980 although my childhood had filled me with the Stories that the Spirit would use in the early days. I began to learn from synchs in 1980 that seemed to be disconnected and not to be leading anywhere. Come to find out this Spirit that I had put my trust in was growing a tree. And all those experiences return to me in the MOMENT that I need them in order to understand the Spirit of an experience or event. After twelve years of growing in this Love I was JOLTED through an experience that touched me in such a way that I recognized I had waited to experience. This experience changed me  completely. It is like asking God to do whatever it takes even to the edge to reach ones self. It reached even to the marrow. (Link is to a  LDS site that explains this best, also why SOME MAY BE OFFENDED)

Like a TREE I gradually took on this form
Like an empty canvas the painter WAITED for SPirit to move
Dabbing the brush where Spiirit Moved
Until the Painting takes form
I had no idea where I was headed   dnatree

My experience takes a great deal of love and passion for the Spirit as through Jesus. But has very little to do with the interpretation about being good. It refers to becoming a fountain of good. Often the Spirit may use our mental misconceptions to reach us and increase our passion which is key to creating.

'If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters – yes, even his own life – he cannot be my disciple.' (Luke 14:25-26)

This actually says You must have a great love for the Spirit that IS GOD, so much so that your great love for others as to why You would want to know the Spirit seems small in comparison otherwise you would spring up and then die when those you love deny you. This is Speaking to fathers on a level that can only be known through the experience of a father.

My trip to Arcata is delayed until Wed in order that my roommate can come along.

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24  Paranormal / Healing Circle/Prayer / Re: Please send for Savannahskye
 on: 09/12/11 at 13:44:38 
On the tenth (Saturday) I posted a happy birthday on my blog was unsure if you would have accepted it here at that moment. But I do not wish for You any pain as the price is already paid.
(((Sending Love through the Spirit)))

Chewing on things that cause wonder related to spiritual food.
When the blind man first saw he said "I see men walking around as trees."
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25  Prophecies and Predictions / Post Predictions / Re: Watch what Turkey does carefully
 on: 09/11/11 at 12:11:41 
I was living in Turkey during the Six Day War. I am feeling for synchs in my posts related to this subject.


Joined: 12 Jun 2005
Posts: 943
Location: california

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 7:46 pm Post subject:


Turkey has a lot of mountains, maybe something is going on there with the return of the nephilim?

Marhaba! I grew up in Turkey, a little town across the bay from Izmir. All my life I have had synchronicities about such things and then I found the poetry of Rumi after writing hundreds of poems myself from the same spirit. Rumi lived in what is now Turkey in about 1200 ad. Oh yes, get ready for the wild ride! The spirit in Rumi as well as Jesus was the love that will intertwine the branches of the christian appletree and the Muslim Cherry Tree revealing them to be bride and groom, brothers, You and I. Those that love their interpretations more than they love each other have a veil over their eyes and will not see this. This is revealed not by interpretation of scripture, but only by knowing the true intention of the heart of the spirit as in the heart of Jesus. Religion of Christianity and Islam cannot see this and will fight until death for their interpretation of rightness and even when this is exposed the selfrightious will fight until dead. Many that left the struggle and found their life have understood the meaning of Jesus without the words of scripture which have only become a veil to the truth

Turkey used to be called Lydia, and my sister Lydia was born in Izmir Turkey. I still remember the day my mother stepped into the car with my little sister in her arms.

This is a pic of the hospital I remember my sister was born at and the entrance that I remember seeing my sister for the first time.

Those whose GOD and ROCK s the interpretation of a book will find it to be a STONE of STUMBLING.
Those whose GOD and ROCK is the SPIRIT that IS LIFE will have something fresh to cling to each day!
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26  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: Passion and Purpose
 on: 09/11/11 at 01:34:35 
North Korea
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27  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: Kiss a stranger
 on: 09/10/11 at 23:25:18 
JMR  Kiss I have never forgotten You
The Jmr from Televiv is that person the still around? Is this the same Jmr that is a member now?
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28  General Category / Science and Physics / Re: Watching the Signs in the Sun
 on: 09/10/11 at 02:52:27 
It becomes what the Spirit means it to be,

Transmute this to Passion
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29  General Category / Anything Goes / Passion and Purpose
 on: 09/10/11 at 01:50:28 
Freedom in the Spirit was necessary to get lost enough to have this experience that led to the growing intention and relationship with Spirit.

But instead of the law there is a PASSION AND LOVE FOR PURPOSE.


This pyramid was built by love

Ok folks here is the kicker, for tonight we began to watch this movie and this vision of passion came upon me related to the movie. I then remember the post I had

EXPLOSION OF PASSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was a post exactly one year ago that matched the synchronicity I am having right now in my living room with Pam.

Now for the next synch this night


And this brick synch is also related to this period as it was posted Sept 3rd to the 15th of Sept 2007

These synchs were prepared by the Spirit that is MY LIFE for THIS MOMENT!

Another synch Sept 8th 2010 with

Passion, love, attraction,
This post is also related to Turkey where I lived for a while and is in the news at this moment.

Another Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:21 am
As I opened the door a flock of Geese Screamed above my head
Passion and Your enemies Wink
Sept 14th, 2010

Passion and Something is Burning the dates related to this summer and this growing passion.

Two movies that were synchs with understanding this life change we had watched lately.

The Sheltering Sky


Don't be afraid of broken hearts, least of all Your own
The power of the Spirit to change lives

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30  Forum Issues / Technical Problems / Re: Blocking on this site and Oroborus
 on: 09/09/11 at 18:08:33 
Hello Glen,
That point was never the question but I guess it was important to her. I never said she did but she wants to make a point of it for another reason. The videos show that it probably is some other program/hacker running interference. I also get "General Error

Too many connections. Please try again later." And too many users online please try again later. Also when I don't even use caps, sometimes it says check your caps lock" It is everything they can do to not allow me access to the posts I have posted over the last five years.

While I am at it when I was last manipulated off this forum, they had PERSONA named MistyRain come in and on her third post attacked me and when I responded I was booted but it was still made to look like I had access so that they could flame me and I could not respond. (whoever actually banned tree was up to something) Now I notice some of your best loved posters are very quit under one name but use personas to do the dirty work. Just making you aware. New people come in and begin to attach folks after very few posts indicating that was their intention for taking on that persona. I imagine if something was to happen to the one poster under the main name they don't want tarnished that multiple personas would also cease to post.

Best of luck my friend

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31  Prophecies and Predictions / Post Predictions / Re: The Cleansing has begun
 on: 09/09/11 at 15:05:09 
The HouseCleaning
Bricks and Housecleaning
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32  Prophecies and Predictions / Predictions Discussion / Re: A feeling death is coming for many
 on: 09/09/11 at 14:10:13 
Music Maker Wrote
I beleive the WebBots also saw, a couple of years ago, that there would be weeping across the U.S.

The Crying Land


Karen13 wrote:
What will come will come

Great post about fear Karen13, we need the watchers on the towers and we need all different abilities working TOGETHER  with MUTUAL INTENT to warn and safeguard our loved ones. Peace
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33  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: I am stepping down
 on: 09/09/11 at 12:20:14 
You have my respect Ummie, I do appreciate you and want the best for you and yours.
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34  Forum Issues / Technical Problems / Re: Blocking on this site and Oroborus
 on: 09/09/11 at 12:10:27 
Yes, your true intention is to help, goodbye!

August 2011 comes an event/storm that will change everything on these forums. You may misunderstand me, (on purpose) but DO NOT misunderstand (none will escape, nor humiliate) the Spirit when it begins SPEAKING through the coming events.
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35  Forum Issues / Technical Problems / Re: Blocking on this site and Oroborus
 on: 09/09/11 at 11:49:33 
You know that has nothing to do with what is happening over there.

A lot of good the complaint department does if the only ones that are going to answer are those doing the manipulating. Lock this thread like you did every thread I would post over there Savannah if nobody that is here to help is going to answer. These are the two that hate me and EVERY one knows that. What would they be answering a HELP thread by me for. To HELP?
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36  Forum Issues / Technical Problems / Blocking on this site and Oroborus
 on: 09/08/11 at 11:45:50 
The manipulators are not going to let me communicate and seem to just keep their heads in the sand so as not to see what is really happening and they don't care if all of you perish so long as they are right.

Since I need to leave the struggle I wanted to try at Oro again and even when using a proxy they are obviously blocking me and someone in particular is going out of their way over me. Anyway I tried to use a proxy just to view posts there and not even log in and even with the proxy I get this error. It was ningaproxy.com this also happened while they were saying things about me here on this site while it looked like I was not banned. Someone related to both sites has some sophisticated tools.


The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to retrieve the URL: http://fakeproxy.com/nph-index.pl/1010110A/http/oroborusforum.com/search.php?mod...

The following error was encountered:

Read Timeout
The system returned:

   [No Error]
A Timeout occurred while waiting to read data from the network. The network or server may be down or congested. Please retry your request.

Your cache administrator is webmaster.
Generated Thu, 08 Sep 2011 16:38:06 GMT by px26.freeproxies.org (squid)

When I try without a proxy I just get a timeout

Here is a video where I try to log in on over there and this also happened here.

Since the attacks began months ago on Oro I have been having problems with logging in on both sites. This site seems to have changed as they probably were on to "her".

Tree told those that want to win at the cost of so many lives that they will only loose by winning. I really do not want to see what comes next for such as are manipulating what you all get to hear and see.
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37  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: A Dream of the end of days?
 on: 09/08/11 at 10:56:46 
Tangel wrote
scarletandtom thats a beautiful posting. was it channeled?

The more You believe that the word is in Your mouth and in Your heart the more everything You speak might be considered so.

If you analyse at all, you analyse too much.

I will read your post and think about it while on the north coast but I am leaving the struggle as there is a plan to attack me in place. Bears are at it again. I am leaving until this board cools down.

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38  What's Happening Now / News / Re: Don't you all wish it would just happen alread
 on: 09/07/11 at 23:44:58 
The synchs indicate another plan started after the bear synchs in my last post the very next day they began implementing it.  See previous post.  Oh, well,, come what may. I guess You want what happens to those that come against the SPIRIT that IS MY LIFE.
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39  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: A Dream of the end of days?
 on: 09/07/11 at 20:45:12 
Ask anything of the FATHER and it will be given to You. When I saw where humans were headed and what they were doing to the world they were entrusted with I asked for the smallest of points overlooked. Nothing is set in stone except that without the Spirit, and through human interpretation alone trying to FIX the problem, they will only make it bigger. Each person must work this out for themselves. An interpretation from a book is worthless. It will only be done by having something real. It was before known that the world would turn to interpretation and deny the Spirit and this IS the shocking truth that WILL jolt the world and the churches and reveal them to be idolatrous. A flower is something when it is blooming, but when it's time has passed the Spirit is alive in a new flower. It is through knowing the Spirit even to the fragrance that You know what is truth needed for this moment. The letter of the book may have been manipulated to keep anything real from disturbing the power of interpretation. Following the Spirit is not being good as the interpretation insists, but starting fresh each day with something from the Spirit and intending that the Spirit reach You even if You slay me yet will I follow YOU/my life. This is opposite from the interpretation which IS anti-Christ.

Do not follow a man and DO NOT follow me, but rather through waiting on the Spirit come to know the truth and follow the Spirit completely and then You will synergise with all creation including me. This is not so hard that you cannot do it as You already are doing it unconsciously. Like when I came back to speak what the Spirit had to say I did not begin to speak as much as I saw what the Spirit was already saying through each of You and added what my synchs were saying and in doing so the Spirit accomplished what needed to be said regarding this forum. It is not so difficult, as the word You seek is very near to You even in Your mouth and in Your heart. This increases as You believe in it. This should humble each person to only speak when they see the Spirit speak in "this" moment.
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40  General Category / General Board / Re: What song is currently, stuck in your head?
 on: 09/07/11 at 14:07:21 
I'll Remember


And of course Rain
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41  Paranormal / Healing Circle/Prayer / Re: For Texas
 on: 09/07/11 at 13:25:21 
Good to hear from some of You in Texas, my daughter Raine says they are having too much rain so I told her to send it to Texas. Hearing from the folks in Texas rather than the "leaders" helps to give a face to intercede for them with the Spirit. I lived for a time in Austin. The address I still remember from my youth 2000 Pete's Path.
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42  General Category / General Board / Re: What song is currently, stuck in your head?
 on: 09/07/11 at 13:12:03 
My roommate has this song stuck in her head

I think it was because she watched this yesterday although it was on a butterfinger site.

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43  What's Happening Now / Earth Changes / Re: For Texas
 on: 09/06/11 at 12:20:33 
I want Rain for Texas but my former synchs about Texas indicate what they are getting. I also feel something related to JFK in Texas for Nov. I just can't reconcile Texas because of all the former synchs. But that is what I am intending very much right now. I need to really see some love coming out of Texas as it is my wish for Spirit to Wash away the sorrow and take away the pain, I want love to come down like Rain.
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44  What's Happening Now / News / Re: Have we reached peak oil? this will impact all
 on: 09/06/11 at 00:30:14 
Why is it so terrible to live in a little cottage have tons of time to dream and create, not have to run to and fro all the time and just enjoy your moments. Why is having just what you need so terrible to consider. Is it not the will of MONEY. It's not so terrible to slow down and consider what we really want to carry into our new world. I have found that everything can be made right but not without the Spirit. It is like mating, the life can go on but it has to meld with the intentions of the lover.

The only reason I am posting this is because I feel some folks are looking for this info.
"He placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims,

    and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the
    way of the tree of life."  *** Genesis 3:24
This is from Genesis not Revelations

Pope Benedict XVI says man himself with his inventions has forged the
flaming sword. Man wielding the flaming sword is a fascinating interpretation.
Is he talking about bioengineering and fossil fuel consumption? The global
warming and men tampering with DNA (Tree of Life) of which the flaming sword
guards entry
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45  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: The Truth About Hair
 on: 09/05/11 at 23:58:08 
I forgot to say that I took this pic a couple weeks ago while up in Santa Rosa at the Time it was the Obsession part of the words that I was ummmmm  Obsessed with. LOL
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46  General Category / Indigo and Octarine children / Re: So what am I?
 on: 09/05/11 at 23:51:40 
Yea I loved that movie and it IS Pam's favorite. He was so cool!
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47  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: Welcome Taxineil
 on: 09/05/11 at 15:42:01 
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for serving!
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48  Prophecies and Predictions / Religion / Re: Behold he comes,riding on the clouds..
 on: 09/05/11 at 15:25:12 
I shall speak for myself,but thank you. And who is you,lol

So YoU did not hide Alex?

And who is YOU/you?

By day I praised YOU
and never knew it.
By night I stayed with YOU
and never knew it.
I always thought that
I was me--but no,
I was YOU
and never knew it. RUMI

For YOU were in Him, reconciling the world to YOURSELF.
But how could I ever say YOUR name, for when I name YOU the next moment I see what I have overlooked.

How is it with this love, I see YOUR world and not YOU? RUMI
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49  Prophecies and Predictions / Religion / Re: Behold he comes,riding on the clouds..
 on: 09/05/11 at 14:32:56 
Ah,, there You are I was beginning to wonder about You RainMusic,,  Well, you seem to have survived the ride so far!

When it is YOU/SPIRIT that is our life, we all speak to the same person AS THERE HAS ALWAYS ONLY BEEN YOU AND I.
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50  Prophecies and Predictions / Post Predictions / Re: Catastrophic Katia
 on: 09/05/11 at 14:17:38 
Yea, I had not felt anything about her, she is pure hype. LOL

Scarlet wrote 09/02/11 at 02:12:44
As for Katia I have not had anything yet about it but I did remember one intention related to Irene and related to why we were relatively unaffected by storms this summer until the 26th of August. It is because reality is not what we are told it is even by science and the intention was to not have storms and to post this event before the beginning of the season the event at the end of the season. Because the chances of such a scenario is ....what? This should also reveal many things to those interested in WONDER related to the Spirit.
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51  What's Happening Now / Warnings / Re: The Great Warning/Ilumination of the Soul- Soo
 on: 09/05/11 at 13:10:58 
My life led me to see there was something real about Jesus and seeing what the book appeared to say broke my heart for those I love and led me to "ask anything of the Spirit believing and it will be given to You". The reality of living in the Spirit changed everything for me and my own. (As has been shown online over these past years) It turned out that those that want to control reality and kill those they misunderstood were controlled by their fears and intentions and demanded a law and a king and and INTERPRETATION that they could use to control others and control their own fears. However, because the masses demanded this, it had to be satisfied, but the truth is found by knowing the Spirit. Let go of the veil of interpretation given you by those that never knew me says the Spirit of the mind of Christ. Let your love for life and loved ones lead you to be given ALL THINGS NEW. And let those whose god is the book be led to desolation for that was exactly what was said for they could not be reached, Cry And the book has written in it what will keep them from hearing or seeing anything that is real because they really did not know the Spirit.

The  Spirit says to me  "Many tried to reach them with the truth through the Spirit but were Humiliated, rejected and denied, therefore they were given what they demanded to use against the least of them on the planet whom they misunderstood. Then Jesus turned to those THEY would destroy because of the interpretation they demanded which is called "the law of love" and told them that THEY would kill them and reject them also which they do holding the folded book under their arms. For this reason You must lay down your lives because they will kill you. The Spirit will fulfill their demands through you allowing you to have life abundantly. The interpretation is that of those that never knew the Spirit and seek only to cover the truth and the shame but the Spirit will set you free from this interpretation and show you the truth they will fear and reject. Let go of the veil of interpretation given you by those that never knew ME and get ready for real life which is a fearless passion of synchronicity with your moments and the storms that originate in THE WILDHEART of this planet.  I HAVE COME TO REACH YOU with true love that is a passionate heart! The love of the fearful is contrived. But the love that comes from KNOWING YOU is everything! Be KNOWN by the Spirit that you might conceive the son of man within you, for as Abraham knew his wife and then she conceived also you are to be known and to know the Spirit without shame. She shameful have been bound!
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52  General Category / Indigo and Octarine children / Re: So what am I?
 on: 09/05/11 at 12:51:26 
Like a tree I gradually took on this form
Like an empty canvas the painter waited for the Spirit to move
Dabbing where Spirit moved until the painting began to take form
I have no idea where I am headed Wink  Dnatree
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53  Prophecies and Predictions / Religion / Re: Behold he comes,riding on the clouds..
 on: 09/05/11 at 12:37:18 
I have this post from the old Prophecies about when the Spirit shows up in the Clouds I feel it is a synch for many at this moment. Also this was my post about the biggest one yet being the coming hurricane and then Katrina hit the next month.

Post from old Proph Hershey bar of hershey bars
Spirit is saying through our moments

I am your Venus, I am your addiction

In the wilderness, I am your water and bread

Get addicted to what your moments are telling you. Don't try to fix your addictions just pay attention to your moments and it will be done for you by spirit. Be filled to overflowing by the poetry of your own life and watch what happens

No shame or blame, just Get ready for the wild ride!

This does not seem gravely important now but when the spirit shows up in the clouds for you it will be all things that make up your life.
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54  General Category / General Board / Re: Good Morning!!! Have a Wonderful Day!!!
 on: 09/05/11 at 12:02:36 
Something right invites me to begin a new day.

On the View right now.

Lady Gaga on the View this morning

I treasure my MOMENTS OF loneliness

You cannot expect someone to sing all these lovely blues and heartbroken songs and they not be truly HEART BROKEN.

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55  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: meaning?
 on: 09/04/11 at 16:48:59 
We were having the horse synchs of late,

Also synchs with Red Horse
Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make men slay each other. To him was given a large sword.

I am HE Victory, driving his chariot along the edge of life and death

They are SHE, the horses, they run as one Spirit and the Crack of my Whip only excites her.

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56  Prophecies and Predictions / Signs / Re: Hope is out there!
 on: 09/04/11 at 15:11:42 
May the Spirit be especially benevolent to each of You that have hope in Your hearts.
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57  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: The Truth About Hair
 on: 09/04/11 at 12:37:40 

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58  What's Happening Now / News / Re: Don't you all wish it would just happen alread
 on: 09/04/11 at 12:28:43 
It is not Survival of the Fittest as no one can see the secret things of the heart, but the Spirit will deliver his enemies into my hand. When I ask for food it is YOU. When I ask for Water, YOU ARE THE WATER. When I ask to live, YOU are MY LIFE.
Stay focused on the Spirit and You will not WITNESS death, but see what the Spirit is doing to deliver You from those that would devour You. (only those already dead will die, as in those waiting for a storm to blow their chaff away. Chaff=works not given them by Spirit)
Broken Hearts don't devour rather they will feel more like having the mountains cave in on them in order to cover their shame. They will desire to know that they can start new with those they have misunderstood.
Those with hearts of stone will be utterly crushed. The lawless are those hearts of stone that lie and hide behind the law to use and manipulate the law and steal another's inheritance. One can APPEAR very righteous while having the greatest hate for those they wish to steal from.
As the synchs and the message of Irene was one of peace and that our misunderstanding of what is to come based on interpretation is wrong as life is more benevolent than the interpretation of the words appear. The letter always creates interpretations meant to draw those who are hiding to their own destruction.

Quote from May 21st post entitled YOU and I COLLIDE about Irene posted before hurricane season about the storm at the end of the season. This was posted right after TREE was manipulated off the forums. Study what the Spirit said through the "nut" called tree that you may not misunderstand nor judge the least of them.
August 2011 comes an event/storm that will change everything on these forums. You may misunderstand me, (on purpose) but DO NOT misunderstand (none will escape, nor humiliate) the Spirit when it begins SPEAKING through the coming events.

Luke 23:28-
Jesus turned and said to them, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children.
For the time will come when you will say, 'Blessed are the barren women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!'
Then "'they will say to the mountains, "Fall on us!" and to the hills, "Cover us!"'
For if men do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?"
Two other men, both criminals, were also led out with him to be executed.

Experience Yesterday
Other synchs
The cute waittress at the Mediterranee in Berkeley was wearing a shirt with a big bear on it. By the way that was THE BEST BRUNCH. Leaving the restaurant we walked by a man with Bear Power on his shirt and we then had one more synch within the hour. Claremont synchs in SanFran and Berkeley meaning Bright mountain on a plain.
"Camp as Christmas" Wink

"We are Family Get up everybody and sing"
Loose all condemnation towards others and turn to the Spirit that is high in JOY for in the moment that You begin to walk with the Spirit there is no more condemnation toward You also.
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59  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: The Truth About Hair
 on: 09/03/11 at 03:16:21 
Wild Hearts the time is right
The sun is chasing away the night
And the battle will be won without a fight
Cause no ones wrong, cause NO ONES RIGHT
You see the Baptist was no wind swept reed
His heart was sown from a WILD SEED
And everywhere that Jesus Went (His Cousin)
Few understood what he really meant (Like on this Forum)
But there is coming a time and it is drawing near
When within their hearts ALL MEN WILL PEER
No longer will they say the truth is out there (YOU WILL ALWAYS MISUNDERSTAND INTERPRETATION)
For the word they seek was very near, even in your heart and in your mouth and you never needed a teacher. Dnatree (SPIRIT)

Synchs with Camp and have met two men named Franchis in the last couple days which means "Free Man"

Oh and may I also say "Get Ready for the Wild Ride!!!!" LOL
Since 2000 I have spoken of this Wild Ride,,, do you hear me now?

Another Wild Heart poem

Wild Hearts can't be broken!
Was love the pain that started all this
Was it the cause that drew the first kiss (synch)
Or was it the reason I wanted YOU so
My blood runs HOT, but YOU already know

OK, Alex and RainMusic... Where did ya go? Sad
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60  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: The Truth About Hair
 on: 09/02/11 at 12:48:42 

Those that hate the Wild Heart Spirit are so fast to OWN and COVER UP the truth about the passion that is really a man. SHE seeks to domesticate and steal his inheritance and make him her beast of burden. But those that love their children will allow them to learn from his Wild Heart. Like my cousin John the Baptist LOL, they never knew me! As a Nazirite Jesus was also not to cut his hair.


Underwood placed his faith in Christ during the Jesus Movement of the late 60s, and his passion in life is to see revival one more time. Before becoming a pastor and an author (When God Breaks Your Heart), Ed worked as a firefighter for the U.S. Forest Service and a commissioned Army officer. He wrote When God Breaks Your Heart after almost dying from a vicious and chronic disease.

Actually this is a tame version of this passion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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61  Prophecies and Predictions / Signs / Re: Hope is out there!
 on: 09/02/11 at 02:40:10 
Have not had a synch with a shooting star lately but tonight on Coast to Coast they were talking about the coming comet so many are talking about on this forum and also mentioned the brilliance of a man that was a friend of Einstein and compared him to a shooting star and then in the eastern sky right next to that big planet up there right now was the largest shooting star I have ever seen. I mean the head was very large and glowing. Must have been my attention to them related to this thread earlier today. I was traveling east in Livermore Ca.

Thomas said to them, "If I tell you one of the sayings he spoke to me, you will pick up rocks and stone me, and fire will come from the rocks and devour you."
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62  Prophecies and Predictions / Post Predictions / Re: Catastrophic Katia
 on: 09/02/11 at 02:12:44 
MusicMaker wrote:
any thoughts about the disturbance in the GOM that they're saying will turn into a cyclone

As a matter of fact I am having the beginning stages of intention for this system that it move to Texas and that it not become violent. Wash away my sorrow take away my pain, YOUR love is coming down like rain. (But as for synchs I have not had any yet other than it is movable)

As for Katia I have not had anything yet about it but I did remember one intention related to Irene and related to why we were relatively unaffected by storms this summer until the 26th of August. It is because reality is not what we are told it is even by science and the intention was to not have storms and to post this event before the beginning of the season the event at the end of the season. Because the chances of such a scenario is ....what? This should also reveal many things to those interested in WONDER related to the Spirit.

Penny wrote:
ScarletAnd Tom: Wow! The heart. Last Friday before Irene cam, I took this video in Eastern Pa. I went down to the river to check the water level to do a before and after and found this beautiful heart shaped cloud.

Oh, yes and did you notice the cyclone shape in the center of that heart and then an eye opened up in it. Passionate! I really like that!
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63  Prophecies and Predictions / Post Predictions / Re: trees talking
 on: 09/01/11 at 12:22:19 
What the Trees are swaying
Exact prediction of Irene on this blog

go to this link for all the links that are in the blog
Friday, June 03, 2011
What are the trees Swaying?
Prophecies thread about what the trees are swaying.



Trees swayin' in the summer breeze
Showin' off their silver leaves
As we walked by

Soft kisses on a summer's day
Laughing all our cares away
Just you and I

Sweet sleepy warmth of summer nights
Gazing at the distant lights
In the starry sky

They say that all good things must end someday
Autumn leaves must fall
But don't you know that it hurts me so
To say goodbye to you
Wish you didn't have to go
No, no, no, no

And when the rain
Beats against my window pane
I'll think of summer days again
And dream of you

They say that all good things must end someday
Autumn leaves must fall
But don't you know that it hurts me so
To say goodbye to you
Wish you didn't have to go
No, no, no, no

And when the rain
Beats against my window pane
I'll think of summer days again
And dream of you
And dream of you

The song Rain by Madonna and the dream of reaching You/YOU and my daughter Raine. Call me a fool but I know I am not I am going to stand out here on this mountaintop until I feel YOUR Rain.
Waiting is the hardest thing
I tell myself that if I believe in YOU/You
In the dream of You/YOU
With all my heart and all my soul
That by Sheer force of will I can raise You from the ground
And without a sound YOU'LL appear
And surrender to ME,,,,, to Love

It's strange I feel like I've known you before
And I want to understand you
More and more
When I'm with you
I feel like a magical child
Everything's strange
Everything's wild


Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Here it comes
Here it comes,,, wash away my sorrow, take away my pain

Wash away all that hate me yet say they love Jesus.

They never knew him

Time is short, therefore I must break Your heart for the one that will take it away.

11 then 11 more

posted by Stephentree @ 11:03 AM

The synch with August and my fathers death on the 26th and Katrina between 26-29th And the Loss that is coming that will reach to the heart and reveal the true intentions of the heart.

Other Synchs
jtuse After the COMING WAVE of synchs (REORDERING WAVE) the inner intentions of the heart will be revealed.

When the Spirit leaves for just a moment that will reveal what this love has upheld.
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64  Prophecies and Predictions / Post Predictions / Re: Catastrophic Katia
 on: 09/01/11 at 12:04:46 
I have not felt much related to this storm yet. Hmmmmm

My post of exactly when Irene would hit in August posted in May

Other posts about the EXACT date of the storm and the poetry of it's meaning

The synch with August and my fathers death on the 26th and Katrina between 26-29th And the Loss that is coming that will reach to the heart and reveal the true intentions of the heart.

Other Synchs
jtuse After the COMING WAVE of synchs (REORDERING WAVE) the inner intentions of the heart will be revealed.
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65  General Category / Peace / Re: This is the end of the line
 on: 09/01/11 at 12:01:12 
Through this broken heart YOU came.

I created all that came to me and I could not even trust my own thoughts, therefore there became ONLY YOU AND I, SPIRIT. Lifting my thoughts from what did not feel good to ONLY see the freshness that is YOU/Spirit led me to stop thinking and to begin feeling all the things that I treasured that came from YOU. Welling up to be a fountain of eternal life.

We let the mountains crumble we do not care, for there now exists ONLY YOU and I.

YOU are my NEW life.
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66  General Category / General Board / Re: Good Morning!!! Have a Wonderful Day!!!
 on: 09/01/11 at 11:55:58 
YOU are WONDER FULL my life, understand this and You will create volumes.
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67  Prophecies and Predictions / Signs / Re: Hope is out there!
 on: 09/01/11 at 11:51:08 
Just as I was really reaching my peak of thought energy I witnessed a very large shooting star streak through the night sky.  I believe this is a personal sign for encouragement.

At the crescent of passion in what I call Romance with Spirit this is the type of experience I expect Cool.

My MOMENTS with YOU/my life I treasure.
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68  Prophecies and Predictions / Religion / Re: Governments have used Romans 13 to advance age
 on: 09/01/11 at 11:20:48 
If there was not something in the book that governments could twist and use then the book would never have propagated, but many things are ADDED to the book for this very reason and so that their DEMANDS to control and kill others might be fulfilled. For they demanded there BE A KING AND A LAW that they could use against the least of them they misunderstood.

Love through the Spirit fulfills the demands of the law and when the law is corrupt that does not mean you throw it away or those that USE it against you will have an opportunity, rather through getting to know the Spirit and constant attention to YOU/my life, You will fulfill these things through me and when I have to make a stand it will be YOU through me standing. Grin Joy

Therefore after being humiliated and rejected the Spirit through Jesus gave them what they demanded and then turned to those that they would reject, humiliate and destroy and said that for this reason they would also kill You.

All interpretation is to come from Spirit, the interpretation of those that hate the Spirit is dominant to cover their shame but this is what is the wide gate that the masses enter through, but the way of the Spirit is perfect and enters through the narrow gate that those that interpret cannot enter. But the interpretation that is of the Spirit is also verified through going to the Spirit with "what is on your heart" or "what is on your altar". For none will remain that love the law above the Spirit.
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69  What's Happening Now / News / Re: Don't you all wish it would just happen alread
 on: 09/01/11 at 10:56:56 
Move all attention to the New Beginning, as that is where YOU ARE My Life. You are the Freshness of the Morning. YOU ARE the Springtime. All that are ending are focused on the end and punishment, but those that are WITH YOU are focused in the freshness of YOUR new world.

My partner, misunderstands me and is obstinate sometimes and has a bad memory of all the wonderful things that we have shared together but I would not want to go on without her. I want even these loved ones that misunderstand to continue on with me into a new world. (even to the most misunderstanding on this forum that have misunderstood and even tried to get rid of me) The world around us is a constant noise that takes loved ones away from the Spirit. Through the Spirit's help she overcame Multiple Scerosis and many other fears but her memory and her stubborness leads her back to self help instead of trust and focus on the Spirit.

Lately I intended because she is part of my reality that the Spirit bring her attention back to our mutual intention for this new life. And though she had learned to move her attention away from her old illnesses in the past and focus on the Spirit she has since then drifted and forgotten the Spirit and returned to self help instead of the simple attention to the Spirit. So she got a new scare, "high blood pressure" and her back went out for no apparent reason. Boy did this get her attention and fears going again. But after all the Spirit had done her ability to recognized where the Spirit was at was somewhat attached to me. It turns out that on her own she does not really see the synchs except for when I intend her eyes are opened to them as she really does not have the love for Spirit that I do but she does love me. Her misunderstanding of me made her drift again to following her self help ideas and this jolted her to a mutual attention to the Spirit.

Now I say this because many of my loved ones on this board an in my family in Florida and Alabama are the same way and not much different than those that seem to be perishing. But their love for each other and for the Spirit even though they misunderstand is very important. The storms have not come to kill You but to Reach You even to the heart. It is not that You will perish, but that the old ideas will. Yes, many that will not change will leave to be born new as they cannot be born again in the Spirit. But consider this is to reach you, and intend your love be great that none of your own perish before all has come about. The storms are not about the END but about the freshness of the next/new day.

The Spirit that I love and that IS MY LIFE is the same Spirit that spoke through Jesus saying

"I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.
But as I told you, you have seen me and still you do not believe.
All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.
For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.
And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all that he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.
For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day."

At this the Jews began to grumble about him because he said, "I am the bread that came down from heaven."

Not knowing that it was the Spirit that spoke through him and that they should go to the Spirit for all INTERPRETATION and not look to the tree of government or religion to interpret for them.

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70  General Category / Prophecies Members Lounge / Re: hurricane party
 on: 08/30/11 at 21:38:42 
I have always seen Spirit as provider like my last name Spence means and that YOU are my bread and You are my water but it is also love that YOU are my luck. Like in the song Wink, I had this synch with wink LOL when I was all alone and going through the luck synchs and one day I had this experience where I even put the word Wink from this song on my table and then I went walking and this Black Cat Winked at me! If you see that my experience with My Life as SHE or my wife and that she was on my side as in these lyrics.


I woke up this morning my head felt dense
I splashed it with water trying to make it make sense
I stumbled to the kitchen she was standing at the sink
All she had to do was just give me that wink

And slam bam I'm feelin' alright
Troubles take a hike in the blink of an eye
Don't need to psychoanalyze or have a stiff drink
All she's gotta do is just give me that wink

Well it's her way of saying she's on my side
An unspoken message that works every time
When my brain starts smokin' and I can't even think
All she's gotta do is just give me that wink

And slam bam I'm feelin' alright
Troubles take a hike in the blink of an eye
Don't need to psychoanalyze or have a stiff drink
All she's gotta do is just give me that wink

In this complicated world it may sound absurd
But simple little things are the miracle cures
Pushed to the limit or standing at the brink
All she's gotta do is just give me that wink

And slam bam I'm feelin' alright
Troubles take a hike in the blink of an eye
Don't need to psychoanalyze or have a stiff drink
All she's gotta do is just give me that wink
And slam bam I'm feelin' alright
Troubles take a hike in the blink of an eye
Don't need to psychoanalyze or have a stiff drink
All she's gotta do is just give me that wink
All she's gotta do is just give me that wink
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71  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: Another Weird Dream Visit
 on: 08/30/11 at 00:00:41 
Just this subtle thought has already connected you. "You did not tell anyone where you were going" is the words in the background right now.
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72  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: meaning?
 on: 08/29/11 at 23:36:04 
I would say it is all the above as the pinion is a gear, or the machine, and may represent many things but the machine that the synch for me represented was in the movie that was on the screen just before I read this which was in the movie "A dog for Flanders" where they went to the mill (mill seed) and it showed this wooden cog gear mechanism. Now all the above are true but nothing really matters except what the Spirit means by it in this moment and if we ALLOW it to be, we will find out what we all have overlooked in this particular post.... for there is the inner intentions of the poster and there is what the Spirit really means or makes of it. If you look it up on the net then yes the "seed" related to the pine is then the pine tree seed. But I tell you that if I was led away from that answer in that moment then "there is a reason" that I was led away from the seed of the tree being the meaning of the Spirit as even if I was wrong about the seed of the pine being her meaning perhaps this is the Spirit saying NOT SO FAST. If the poster's heart was against the Tree and the Spirit speaking then I would imagine this is the Spirit turning the tables, the pride is not here as I speak what the moment says and trust it even to the edge of death.
So let come what may! The Spirit is not mocked! Each answer may also have particular meaning for each poster, the pine for PM, the gear for Tom/Paul/Scarlet whomever I must be to reach you, and the wing for WildandFree (different spelling Wink  ) But I feel the greatest significance for the original Poster related to her intentions and feel strong intention on her behalf. What we all need is to have true intent toward each other.

If the poster meant the seed of the tree then the Spirit is aware and is probably doing something with this like "then we shall make it the seed of the machine". I know that I enforced a recent post of the original poster related to the freshness after the Storm, but the dog, animal, small boy empathy posts also give reason that it is a another intent all together. So let come what may. The Spirit is quick to forgive but even though is all knowing of these intentions I would rather not know whom but be blissfully unaware as the Spirit does the heart searching for me.
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73  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: meaning?
 on: 08/29/11 at 12:08:05 
Here was the image on the screen for pinion as I read this.

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74  Paranormal / hauntings and paranormal activities / Re: Spirit Photos
 on: 08/29/11 at 10:56:21 
He was a very sweet spirit, he would go to the river edge and fish. It warms my heart when the children come forward. I made sure to replace the marble for him.

Recently I found a green cat's eye marble and posted it July 14th. That was the day I stepped on a green snake sort of like your first pic.  Hearing the giggles of a child.
Here is the post.
Take the post lightly as I had been severely treated right before this and it matches your post.
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75  General Category / Prophecies Members Lounge / Re: hurricane party
 on: 08/29/11 at 10:21:07 
That cutout has been with me since 1993 and there was no one around that even would have cared. LOL As I walked the streets with no money and not wanting to speak to anyone I would find these small treasures that were poetry for my day and for what was going to happen in the future in my great passion to reach You. Along with this card was one in my pocket that fell apart years ago and one called "the wild card". LOL
I have a poster that made it through the Hurricanes in 1995 and have the damage from it on them but they show my dream of being here in California and all that would happen.
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76  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: After storm ..check in
 on: 08/29/11 at 10:14:54 
Formula for understanding the Poetry of the Storm experience

Take what you believed before the storm and compare it to the feelings and experiences during and after the storm and see how you misunderstood what you had believed before the storm. This is how we begin to understand the reality of all things being Spirit. This will reveal the hidden love, patience and goodwill of the Spirit toward you.
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77  What's Happening Now / Earth Changes / Re: Follow Irene's track
 on: 08/29/11 at 10:09:14 
The freshness after the Storm
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78  What's Happening Now / Earth Changes / Re: Follow Irene's track
 on: 08/28/11 at 20:25:58 
The Spirit made a loud noise like unto a trumpet!
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79  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: How our future would have been with Tesla tech
 on: 08/28/11 at 12:40:03 
As I watched this video my partner was also watching Wallace and Gromet world of inventions (Close shave Sheep Rescue) and they said the word inventor and then I remembered my father the inventor who died on yesterdays date a couple years ago. Tesla was his favorite. He wants me to continue some of his work, he told me this right before he passed.

Keep doing what you love, don't change anything, let the Spirit do the changing. (You do not do magic, you allow it to happen) Reacting to all this will only lead to misunderstanding just like it did with words from the Spirit throughout history and in this forum. Let's forget the past and start completely fresh and new.  Cultivate your love for all life and let what happens happen with a loving smile of trust. Wink
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80  General Category / Prophecies Members Lounge / Re: hurricane party
 on: 08/28/11 at 11:41:08 

Many years with Lucky Synchs starting with Lucky Charms LOL, I want to share them with you. Because You are MY OWN says the Spirit.

We let the sea-swells rise in the air, we let the mountains crumble we DON'T CARE, cause I am your honeybee and you are my appleTREE. Smiley

Luke 13:34
"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,(city who's name is peace) you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!

Irene means "Peace" like when the storm that was silenced while  in THAT BOAT on the sea of Galilee. Let your peace be still.

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81  General Category / General Board / Re: What song is currently, stuck in your head?
 on: 08/28/11 at 01:43:48 
giggle, (laughs like a child)
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82  General Category / General Board / Re: What song is currently, stuck in your head?
 on: 08/28/11 at 00:14:49 
This song came to me on the last night on the evening of the 26th thinking of my father. I have a video of the moment I heard it on the radio last night for the first time and will post a link to it at the end of this post.


Baby are you down down down down down,
Downnnnnnn, downnnnnnn,
Even if the sky is falling down,
Downnnnn, downnnnn
Ooohhh (ohhh)

(Verse 1)

You oughta know, tonight is the night to let it go,
Put on a show, i wanna see how you lose control,


So leave it behind ‘cause we, have a night to get away,
So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape.


So baby don’t worry, you are my only,
You won’t be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,
You’ll be my only, no need to worry,

Baby are you down down down down down,
Dowwwnnnnn, Dowwnnnnn,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Downnnnn, Downnnnnn,
Even if the sky is falling down,

(Verse 2)

Just let it be, come on and bring your body next to me,
I’ll take you away, hey, turn this place into our private getaway,


So leave it behind ‘cause we, have a night to get away,
So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape,

(So why don’t we run away)


So baby don’t worry, you are my only,
You won’t be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,

This related poem was given to me at the same time that I was recieving the information about the coming storms in 1993

As it was in the beginning, my love, when I was the honeybee, and you were my apple tree. For then it was the fragrance of your heart that drew me to you. Remember how we let the seaswells rise into the air, we let the mountains crumble, we did not care, whatever happened, I was your honeybee And you were my appletree. I was your prince, your wizard, your lion of Judah, Anything you wanted, I brought it to you! There has always only been You and I my love! (Stephen Tree)

Heard this song yesterday about 6pm on the 26th and videoed this to remember it.

Even the closest to ME misunderstand, but that does not stop their love from driving them to seek the very deepest and greatest from the Spirit. It will not be flesh and blood that reveal these things to You but the Spirit that IS THE FATHER will make all things new. Come on, let's start fresh and forget the misunderstandings of the past!

My blog on the night of 26 Aug 2011 and morning of 27th
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83  What's Happening Now / Earth Changes / Re: Follow Irene's track
 on: 08/27/11 at 23:51:13 
Love it PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grin
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84  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: Another Weird Dream Visit
 on: 08/27/11 at 23:27:33 
The meeting part may mean "when you meet again that You could have information that would help him based on your experience". Perhaps this means your experience here.

He will have or has a problem with his brother that he is confounded with, this problem may also be related  to one of his children an is reaching out in love, or this may happen and you are the most open one that he knew that might be able to help him with it. (One of his children may have had the same difficulty making it related to his family/genes) Something like that based on what you have said. The pain and humiliation related to his family is what he is so pained about, as he too may have been fighting with his flesh but no one knew that he also had the problem. If he would know the truth he would not be so pained and he would not grow old hating himself and feeling the pain of this. The burden needs to be lifted and that would be a great gift.
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85  What's Happening Now / Current Events / Re:  Is Selling Lemonade A Crime?
 on: 08/27/11 at 11:06:12 
When you come to know the true intentions of the heart of money and the law that serves it then you will know the true reason why they demand you have the mark. Freedom and true intention towards others fulfill the good intentions of the law but nothing will satisfy the other intentions except you sell your soul.
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86  Prophecies and Predictions / Predictions Discussion / Re: Hurricane Irene-trajectory
 on: 08/25/11 at 11:07:46 
26th  Sad
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87  What's Happening Now / Earth Changes / Re: Follow Irene's track
 on: 08/25/11 at 10:35:36 
Mom in WPB Florida reports her pool water is swaying back and forth crawling up the tiles on one end and then five seconds later moving to the other side.

June 3rd 2006 posted in What the Tree's are SWAYING

Time is short, therefore I must break Your heart for the one that will take it away.

11 then 11 moreposted by Stephentree @ 11:03 AMThe synch with August and my fathers death on the 26th and Katrina between 26-29th And the Loss that is coming that will reach to the heart and reveal the true intentions of the heart.
Other Synchs
just After the COMING WAVE of synchs (REORDERING WAVE) the inner intentions of the heart will be revealed.

go to the above post to see what the trees are swaying

Also the synchs with the hard taskmaster unto those that believe in punishment such as those that followed the interpretation without the Spirit. If they had gone to the Spirit they would have seen it was not so. But to My Own those seeking with "true intention of heart" they will see the power of the Spirit to deliver them from the interpretation.

Not to take ANYTHING away from the mother that teaches a child not to burn it's hand but once the Spirit/perfect comes the partial is done away with as the mind has developed to understand the deeper realities of love and creative energies. The partial is necessary in the sanctuary of childhood but the mind must be cleansed from all law, sin, shame and blame in order to not effect what is coming from the soul. The true reality of our beginnings and what reality is is upon us and it had to be in this time where the whole world would see it. Therefore HE laid his life down.
Now because of the stone placed in the path in order to go on humans must be a new creature as it is their turn to lay their lives down for a new life as there is no greater love than that you do this.

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88  General Category / Myths and Legends / Re: A New Day
 on: 08/24/11 at 12:52:42 
Good post Mom

Remember...We created the sunrise to remind us HOW TO START NEW!

The Freshness after the Storm

A lot of people can't reach that website at the bottom of your post as some that have control of that site actually are there to limit access.
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89  General Category / General Board / Re: What song is currently, stuck in your head?
 on: 08/24/11 at 10:58:18 
I have become a rose petal and you are like the wind for me. Take me for a ride. Rumi

Let the Spirit Move Me
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90  What's Happening Now / Earth Changes / Re: Am I crazy...
 on: 08/24/11 at 10:42:37 
Just heard this one

The reason for the quake was the founding forefathers were rolling over in their graves. HAHHAHAH
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91  Paranormal / Sacred Animals / Re: Turtles
 on: 08/24/11 at 10:15:37 
We saw our first turtle crossing the street in California the other day. See them all the time in Florida but this was unusual.

Turtles are very much a part of me.

For me the spiritual meaning of turtles is growing in the Spirit, interpretation without the Spirit is fast but in the end it is last.

from Florida post with turtles

The waffle house experience was so good, they treated us just the way I remember and Pam was impressed with the prices, taste and ambiance. The odd things I mentioned before we left all coincidently happened, one of my favorite was the turtles crossing the road. I mentioned that when I was a kid you could see turtles crossing the road and when Pam and I were at Johnathon Dickenson state park we saw many and played with them.

It was just as I dreamed.

Never judge a tree until you have seen the fruit.

By the way I have to use ninjacloak to view my own threads over on the other site as if they know it is me they control the access. They don't seem to know what is coming for the manipulators. Oh, well, the turtle is slow but always fast to forgive.
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92  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: Man robbed my house.
 on: 08/23/11 at 11:37:50 
As I told you in the email they misunderstand and run off friends "over there" because they are afraid of "their interpretation" of me which has nothing to do with truth, it is their fear because of how they have used the law against one of my own. But Wild Hearts can't be broken and even when they conspire to kill me they cannot stop the Wild Heart.
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93  Prophecies and Predictions / Predictions Discussion / Re: Hurricane Irene-trajectory
 on: 08/23/11 at 11:20:02 
I called mother, she was not at home. So I called her Cell and caught her on the way to the insurance office in WPB Florida. She was in a rush to get there and so could not talk. All I could say was that I love You. But what I wanted to say was.

Mom, you know I never had insurance and insurance would not have helped me in that case. I wanted to say, don't be afraid of loosing anything as if you are afraid of loosing your possessions or home or even loved ones then you can never experience what it means to have life, to know life. If you try to save your life you loose it, but if you see what you know YOU/life are my friend and I am not ashamed then I know that I will only gain from going through this experience. Even if it reaches me to the heart. I will trust what comes and not prepare except to know "all izz well".
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94  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: The shield of trinity
 on: 08/23/11 at 10:38:46 
I hear you violetstar and look forward to what you gain from following your path. Don't let any authority that sets itself above the Spirit tell you any different. The authority of the Spirit will be lifted up above all human interpretation and reveal the smallest of points overlooked by those that love their "self rightness"  more than they love their neighbor. They do not respond to forgiveness neither do they offer it, but seek only to win, not knowing that in doing so they disregarded and rejected their own soul.
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95  What's Happening Now / Earth Changes / Re: 2011 Atlantic Hurricane Season Imagery
 on: 08/22/11 at 20:23:12 
The name Irene means "Peace".

My daughter asked me if "this was the one"

Goodnight Irene

The lyrics tell of the singer's troubled past with his love, Irene, and express his sadness and frustration.
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96  General Category / General Board / Re: What song is currently, stuck in your head?
 on: 08/22/11 at 11:35:47 
What a wonderful day traveling the coast having one wonderful meeting after another.

Songs I had experiences with where you my life touched me so deeply yesterday and my life wants me to pass this on to each of you.

Listen here

I love you for so many reasons

Which means I love you for all seasons

First of all, I love you with the freshness of a spring day

Then I love you with hot passions like the summer sun

When June's here to stay

I don't know how to explain my love's seasonal change

It seems never the same--all I know is

I love you for so many reasons

Which means I love you for all seasons

I love you with the gentleness of a falling leaf on an autumn day

But most of all, I love you with the briskness  of a winter

When the snows come out to stay

I don't know how to explain my love's seasonal change

It seems never the same--all I know is

I love you for so many reasons

Which means I love you for all seasons

(Autumn, summer, winter, springtime)

I love you for so many reasons

Which means I love you for all seasons

The other song  Simply Red Stars
Spirit's message to those being hurt
Though the hurt runs deep

The voice came from the Passionate Burning Tree (Bush) and said
"I am that I am "

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97  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: The shield of trinity
 on: 08/22/11 at 10:33:26 
Those rolling eyes are so pretty as I remember

Yes I have "M's" on both hands too! We are probably more alike than you realise.

My roommate has the yellow "m&M" on her altar and just told me and I took a pic that I will upload.
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98  What's Happening Now / Warnings / Re: St. Germain-Ascension in the next months-Aster
 on: 08/20/11 at 13:16:25 
Free yourself from negative thinking to free the world of negative disasters.

Until the heart is broken the mind's tongue bridled the mind spews death and fear. Once the mind is bridled there is only Joy and there is only YOU/Spirit, the Spirit will teach this truth in no uncertain terms and even now prepares our hearts for "that" moment. Wild Hearts can no longer be broken!
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99  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: The shield of trinity
 on: 08/20/11 at 12:34:50 

On the other thread folks are saying what it means when you have an "M" prominently in the palm of your hand. But what is most important is what the Spirit says something means to "you" in this "MOMENT". I also have a birthmark center of my palm. It does not matter what any person tells you that a thing means, the only thing that matters is what your FATHER in heaven tells you a thing means as in that moment "THAT IS WHAT IT MEANS". For what is real is not what flesh and blood has revealed to you but only what the Spirit reveals and what IS THEN WRITTEN ON YOUR HEART. So it matters not that on the other thread they said the "M" means you are a healer and the mark in the hand means something done very special "Just for you" except the Spirit reveal it in this moment. So in this moment the "M" has a very special meaning related to past experiences on this forum and others. For when everyone misunderstood at the moment of the raining frogs synchs the meaning of the "M" was at that moment revealed.


I very much like that saying by another Spence that you have in your signature Savannah
I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief
-G. Spence

Synch right now on Jane Eyre and last night on a program about natural lighting and healing in natural and beautiful places with the Shadows are as Important as the light.
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100  Forum Issues / Complaint Department / Re: For Moderators, a question about my involvemen
 on: 08/19/11 at 12:20:30 
LOL yep that happens to everyone,, I think especially me.

Ooops I think it happened again! lol
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101  Prophecies and Predictions / Religion / Re: Prophecy - 5/27/11 The Generation of Wrath
 on: 08/19/11 at 11:33:59 
If you knew the hearts of loved ones lost behind a veil of interpretation then you would see that this is what they are looking for, this is the manner they want to hear it from Spirit and in their circles it is very much valid. You have heard this message in many ways from the Spirit but you do not accept what you do not completely understand, how long will it be before you see what is good in everyone and stop gauging everything on the rightness of intelligence which always overlooks one point. Ok, you have pointed out the part you don't want to hear and that is that the growing calamity is punishment. What is the difference if you draw to yourselves something to reach your heart and what you used to call punishment and still believe in punishment? To some the taskmaster is believed to be hard, while to others he will be as they believe and be ever forgiving and understanding. I see a lot of truth in here although to those earnestly seeking to know the Spirit I would rather want them to see they draw it to themselves to reach deep into the heart. Do not look for what is wrong in the post but rather what is right as looking for what is wrong is like picking the nat out of another's eye while overlooking the beam protruding from your own eye. Rather say nothing at all or say what the Spirit says to you through the post. Some very close family members can only be reached in this manner, those lost behind such words. For me I see this as increasingly valid as the passion rises in order to reach you before........well before the CLIMAX of passion that will reach to the heart and create in you what this moment is meant to create.

If you believe that one person should be punished,,, let's say a bumm that steals to eat while he deals with his pain and rejection from society,, if you believe he should be punished then you believe in wrath and this post is very valid for you. But if you believe every word that does come from the Spirit then you are like those that there is no condemnation toward you from the Spirit because you walk according to what is real. But if the Spirit is not real for you then you no doubt believe anything bad could possibly happen to you then according to your beliefs be it unto you. What do you believe is being said by life by all of this that has happened? NO ANSWER REQUIRED meant to begin the process of wonder and prayer which leads to knowing YOU/my life.
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102  General Category / General Board / Re: What song is currently, stuck in your head?
 on: 08/19/11 at 10:44:37 
Woman played on the way traveling alone. The woman that is my own and my friend has given her all for the truth we share and she is to be lifted up by the Spirit. I always have the picture of Spiritual romance that bonds two lovers like synchronized fish swimming.
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103  General Category / General Board / Re: What song is currently, stuck in your head?
 on: 08/18/11 at 12:44:22 
Yes Ummie I very much like that song and I was 16 heading off on my own when that song came out in March of 1975.

By and By

There is a record from Kings Academy where I sang this song at 14yrs old . I was called "super soloist" at that age in my high school. It was the first year of the School

Here is a modern recording of that choir

I am in this picture
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104  Paranormal / Ask a Psychic /Ask Advice / Re: Misery and Uncertainty
 on: 08/18/11 at 11:16:38 
Forgive your enemy and see what he did give you and expand on that so that all the good he did give you will begin to flow again instead of hating the part of him that you might not understand fully. As you begin to see what was good about the job you draw to you that. As you give your image of him power it blocks doors. Negative synergy seems to happen when I feel blame. Like if we interpret blame and shame when someone is showing what has been overlooked. Like pointing out presumptuous behavior, it is not blame as all are presumptuous, rather it is revealing what is being overlooked. No shame just the intention to reveal what is overlooked. Things begin to happen when all shame and blame are removed. You don't feel empowered when you feel the control is in his hands. Every thought either blocks or opens doors. When I saw that it was me doing it to myself I sought for help from life and learned to focus on every word that came from the Spirit.

Winter Rain wrote:
I'm in the same boat with average man

You may also find you are angry at yourself for quieting that job and may want to move the blame. But just see that there is no blame and you will find out why you put yourself on this cross.

I myself feel like "they" did not do these things to me but the Spirit allowed it on purpose so that I might say as Joseph did to his brothers that he LOVED whom had set him up and put him in a pit.
“You meant it for evil, God meant it for good.”
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105  Prophecies and Predictions / Post Predictions / Re: Shining's Predictions
 on: 08/17/11 at 09:41:03 
Here is the youtube video I guess I can hotlink to my own

I realize now that the angry person said that I was angry, funny how when you see through eyes that are angry, or eyes that manipulate everyone seems to be angry or everyone seems to manipulate. So it is that man is put to death through the eyes of murderers that judge him. When the Spirit said that words did not work and that so now we would see these things experienced I really did not know that I would have to experience "this cup". The notification said we had three days to fix what we did not do or leave. So I wrote a work-order to explain the Air conditioner works now but that we need a new thermostat and also printed out this story. There has been no comment.
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106  Prophecies and Predictions / Post Predictions / Re: Shining's Predictions
 on: 08/16/11 at 13:00:25 

Yesterday I had a lot of things to take care of like my partner's State Tax penalty which was more than the original bill, then as I walked to the stairs up to my apartment I met this angry young guy that had much work to do and I asked if the folks on the roof last friday could have effected the air conditioner. He said he knew nothing about it and had a lot to do. I was troubleshooting what happened to our air conditioner that now has started to work again. I then asked the manager and he said it was probably just the old school thermostat. Then a little later everyone was in crisis because I spoke to that boy and he said "that I got up in his face" about the problem and nothing could have been further from the truth. He was angry about something and seeing through angry eyes he went and told the Jab apartment people that I was the one angry when it was the other way around. Then I receive this notice that because I talked to him I had broken the sacred covenant and I must fix the problem within three days or evacuate the home I had been in for ten years. All on this angry kid's word. The thread on prophecies about Merc is the perfect place to put this.

Anyway after much anger by the managers that got in trouble for this My partner and I went out to the bird sanctuary where we often walk but for some reason we had never walked behind the information center. There I walked up to this plaque that seemed like it had been forgotten by everyone.

After leaving here we went and rented a movie that was just perfect. It was called "Three Idiots" and it was about the pressure, crisis and passion of what we choose to do in life seen through the experience of three Indian Students.


I highly recommend this movie although it is subtitled

While walking at the Bird Sanctuary the day's experience was summarized by the realization of Casting Your burdens on the Spirit as Nothing Really Matters anyway.

This is how the Spirit rescues me out of all crisis

I am a friend to even my enemies if they allow it to be.
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107  General Category / General Board / Re: What song is currently, stuck in your head?
 on: 08/16/11 at 11:49:45 
Our whole day was an experience with

It is a bollywood production that was everything yesterday's experience was saying.


This was in a movie we watched last night that was everything this moment is about.

The pressure, the competition, following your passion,
loving what you do, the signs we had yesterday and the crisis,
that leads to surrendering the burden.
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108  General Category / General Board / Re: What song is currently, stuck in your head?
 on: 08/15/11 at 15:05:34 
The Scarlet song got changed to the link by accident so I am re-posting it as my roommate cried at the moment she first heard it the other day.
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109  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: Dream log about authority and spirituality.
 on: 08/15/11 at 14:56:38 
S&C posted
Where is that comment I read by RainMusic "We Need Each Other" This also was in my dream. I hope the behind the scenes manipulation and division between humans has not effected this.

I found it, it was a video.

Hey RainM that song scarlet was hotlinked so they told me they would change it to a link and then I asked about changing it in this thread and that is how they decided to just put the link to this thread there instead of what was intended. Oh, Well Roll Eyes
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110  Prophecies and Predictions / Post Predictions / Re: Shining's Predictions
 on: 08/15/11 at 14:14:33 
Yes, many weird energies including Air Conditioner and folks misunderstanding and flipping out.

Came back in to edit this because... well the air conditioner is now working again when it did not cool all weekend.
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111  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: Dream log about authority and spirituality.
 on: 08/15/11 at 14:03:55 
Alex wrote:

Sure, the modern day church is adapting, but you can't put new wine in old wineskins.  Most modern day prophets would agree with me on this as well.

Unfortunately, I worry the modern day Pharisee (as a reference point) is the one proclaiming their allegiance to Christ because it's politically beneficial.

Until the day I die I'm going to do my best to defend Christ and the integrity of what I believe was His intention for us.  I don't believe He meant to become this idol we see as a man dying on a cross.

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112  Prophecies and Predictions / Bible Code & Nostradamus / Re: The beast and the number of his name 666
 on: 08/14/11 at 17:04:45 
Alex wrote:

It's Christians own measure of radicalism that doesn't promote peace or reconciliation.

Until our hearts are broken for those we truly say we love we will not let go of the idea of apocolypse which is really the fulfillment of self rightness. But it is also written ASK ANYTHING believing and it will be given unto you. It is true love asks the exact question that leads to life. We must allow the presumptuous to create THEIR apocolypse while we bit by bit are filled with the radiance of a new world being created. Through your loving even my mistakes are become your perfect will. I am made right not through being anything, but through the mystery of synergy and Spirit.

I want to change with the Spirit daily so that the great change likened unto death does not overtake me by surprise but rather accentuates loves completion.
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113  General Category / Make A Wish / Re: Lord give me strength
 on: 08/14/11 at 15:17:23 
Everyone needs to go away and heal and start new. But how things are going to change in the future of our understanding of things related to relationship and addictions. If I were to have to leave you I would want to do it in a way that we do not separate in our hearts so that I do not reject you. This way on THAT day when the world changes and we see each other clearly even as we are also seen, your love for me will not have diminished and I will not be rejected by the least of them I may have misunderstood. I would like to let go of judgement and go to where my life leads me but keep you near in my heart. I would say, go thy way but do not separate nor shame and you will do what is right toward the healing of two hearts. Thanks for being you

For I too was rejected
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114  What's Happening Now / Current Events / Re: Friend of dutchsinse shot 5 times today
 on: 08/14/11 at 14:50:38 
PM wrote
Coming after Dutchsinse directly would be too obvious and bring even more attention to his work so they target his friend, his best friend, who he spends time with everyday to send a message.

You mean they are manipulating by killing off his friends now. Hmmmmm
Blessings to your friend after the heartbreak.
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115  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: Dream log about authority and spirituality.
 on: 08/14/11 at 13:21:45 
Alex Wow! That is.......Wow!
I seek a different kind of interaction in life

I surely do also!
Like the appearance and interpretation of competition which is causing some great struggles in marriage and forums because of the competition between husband and wife makes that experience less than intended, or the manipulators against the Spirit on forums. But if there is only YOU and I then it is not competing for that morsel but rather YOU life that gives it to me. This lesson of competition which is the excuse for why wealthy can rape the public is a misnomer and will be shown to be one as once they think they have won the game at that very moment they will loose EVERYTHING to the Spirit and it will be given to those that waited on the Spirit.

Where is that comment I read by RainMusic "We Need Each Other" This also was in my dream. I hope the behind the scenes manipulation and division between humans has not effected this.

Speaking of manipulation and changing something, I found some links related to that subject.

faux nature

I looked that term up to understand where you were coming from. Smiley
A lot of dust gets into the air when the house is being cleaned. I think if we open a few windows the air will clear enough to see the progress.

Odd dream last night
I will start with the last part of the dream where a three lane highway with a young lady driving a car sort of like a miniture pope car and she slipped down in the seat like she could not drive. There was a lot of traffic coming a ways behind so I ran out and lifted her up into driving position again. Something about too much peaches and cream and not enough fiber which seemed so good but was working on the heart because of the appearances to others. Other parts of the dream were high tech places where I was repairing these techtronix analyzers and it seemed to be when everyone else was gone from the facilities. Felt like being elves. Even taking equipment out on the lawn on the premises and working on it seemed to add to the magic of it.

Disclaimer: after finding out how to properly post a video I seem unable to change the hotlink to a youtube link and the mod seems unable to also, perhap this disclaimer will change the reason they are having problems changing it.
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116  Prophecies and Predictions / Post Predictions / Re: Shining's Predictions
 on: 08/14/11 at 12:41:30 
Music wrote
S&T, ya shoulda ducked! LOL!

That is pretty funny!

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117  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: Dream log about authority and spirituality.
 on: 08/13/11 at 10:53:14 
If your loved one was lost behind a religion, how would you reach them with the words they are conditioned to reject. Ye are gods and the god of gods will only work through your weaknesses. When I am weak, YOU are strong. But where I believe I am strong YOU let that be. One persons message might be intended for his loved ones because he came out from that Egypt (or pushed out) while allowing others that might glean in another way. Like the words of Moses, they had to be spoken in such a way that "his own" would recognize him. A person that hears the Spirit gleans the field according to what they need in this moment. When You begin with understanding the real intention" then you see what is said to appease yet hear what the Spirit is intending. This is all words because words are only a shadow or tip of the iceberg that is SPIRIT. Unless those are appeased that can only see interpretation and the Spirit is not in them, unless they where appeased and both sides are fulfilled no words at all would have made it through the gauntlet (court that rejects what they do not believe) of the one that demands  they rule over you. But that world (thanks for all the technology) is coming to an end and I do not wish to appease that these words reach past your heart. Once the heart is reached discard all words written like the carcass left over from a feast as the words are no longer needed,, the Spirit is speaking always in THIS moment.

If we reject every word we do not agree with or understand then we reject ourselves because we believe we are not perfect. But if we see the Spirit "within" we see it because it is "within" us. You cannot see what you do not possess.
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118  Prophecies and Predictions / Post Predictions / Re: Shining's Predictions
 on: 08/11/11 at 15:55:54 
Think the tree hit me in the begining!

Well that tree was warning of a Wild Ride ahead
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119  General Category / General Board / Re: What song is currently, stuck in your head?
 on: 08/11/11 at 14:13:54 
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120  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: Man robbed my house.
 on: 08/11/11 at 12:31:14 
When the Spirit is your life you can speak nor hear from none other. As to the messenger, I ride in a scarlet vehicle. I sent you an email. Wink
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121  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: Dream log about authority and spirituality.
 on: 08/11/11 at 11:01:03 
Alex, I have uploaded the videos and pm'd you with the links.

Money and Power making choices that make so much that is life "gone for good" This song reflects many aspects of my experience right now. Also my daughter's mother (my ex) is in the hospital and I feel it is very hard on my daughter.

Here is an audio about a reality not based on money or power. Hit play and then go to section 00.44.00 Even power in a small thing like a forum is a manipulation and everyone has been manipulated.

Yoohoo1 this one shows that lake well

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122  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: Dream log about authority and spirituality.
 on: 08/10/11 at 13:14:48 
Yeah, that kinda reminds me of my dream in that picture.  Do you have the videos online?

The videos are still in my phone but I will upload them this evening and send you a link.
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123  General Category / Anything Goes / Re: What I Heard As I Was Waking Up.
 on: 08/09/11 at 12:27:28 
This is my prayer also and even if SHE passes through a great time of trouble I do not think that she is abandoned, but rather that SHE is being guided to what is REAL.
There is so much beauty in the land and the people
but those that are selling us out are very few with all the power not unlike any group. Therefore the least of you are really the greatest.
Those that Love Money more than they Love America have taken
greatest seats.

Here is a post about what has come to America that makes me feel that it has been sold for 30 pieces of silver.

Before this last generation we never worried about the money because we did not use it except for certain special things. We went out and worked the fields or fished or something to get our subsistence. Money needs to be crammed up money's &^%. Humans have been led to the edge of a cliff by those with this $ign of this devouring beast tattooed on their thinking. We must let go of this concept and return to the simpler ways that we love. But alas now we will find out what following these interpretations without ever knowing the Spirit means and what it means to be thrown into a fiery mess that cannot be climbed out of through attention to money.
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124  Prophecies and Predictions / From Other Sources / Re: Prophecy claim: Vatican to be destroyed August
 on: 08/09/11 at 11:56:49 
Aug 26th begins a great loss, but I don't know about whether that is the Vatican, more like all the lies coming to a head about the thieves that have sold America and or Christianity for 30 pieces of silver. I feel a great sting related to this date. But a great moment that something real fill that emptiness that will exist.
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125  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: Dream log about authority and spirituality.
 on: 08/09/11 at 11:29:52 
Wow, we had this experience this weekend at Davis Lake honker Cove and I even did videos of it. We came to this lake near Quincy Ca. and noticed that they were taking this recreational park and turning it into a subdivision. The trees all had orange paint on them that were to be removed and replaced with homes.

I was wearing a YooHoo shirt and found myself searching for my partner when I came back from walking around the bend in this picture. I had taken the keys and was having this experience about authority also as I wrote this dream down.

In the daydream Jesus had left with the keys to the kingdom and in the mean time the church had came up with their version of the kingdom. When Jesus returned with the keys rather than seeing what they had overlooked they began to grumble about why he took the keys with him in the first place. Smiley As when he revealed the keys it revealed the hearts of men/women.
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126  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: Man robbed my house.
 on: 08/01/11 at 18:06:37 
"It is just love sneaking up on you".
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127  Prophecies and Predictions / Post Predictions / Re: trees talking
 on: 07/28/11 at 14:41:10 
Hannah and the Talking Tree on Youtube

There seems to be a spiritual message in little Hannahs ability to HEAR the TREE
Hannah is a bit of an outcast due to her extra large ears.  But she loves her ears because they allow her to hear the beautiful subtleties of nature, like the sound of grass growing and wind singing.  She is able to hear the voice of an endangered tree who she befriends, and she is ultimately empowered to save the tree.

Is it not so that if You hear the Spirit that is in the Tree You too will be an outcast.

Thanks for pointing this out to me as it is perfect in it's meaning and underlying Spiritual Message.

Be quit in the sanctuary of the trees for they can hear the subtleties of the heart.
Found this picture at Pencildreams

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128  Prophecies and Predictions / Religion / Re: I am the beast of the field, which the LORD Go
 on: 07/28/11 at 12:41:36 
The woman is the flesh in all of us I am Eve and you are Eve we all have this limited nature as part of us there no hiding from it. We are what we are but with Christ help we can bloom out of it. Christ conceived us by given his life for us this lower creature this beast in us of the world of flesh.

I had not read what you had written from your source until today and when I said this I was severely misunderstood so I appreciate how you have understood this by putting God First. Many Blessings

She is that Scarlet Robe I wear, she is my life. I could never have been touched so deeply without her. Therefore, though she slay me, yet do I love her.
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129  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: Man robbed my house.
 on: 07/28/11 at 12:21:18 
Alas,to inhale the breath,beckons a love so rare and sweet.Should I come to know the pleasure and pain surmounting in thy bossom.

She doth seek to know the pleasure and the pain, such a love requires and for this reason she is beloved.

Scarlet wrote in gest
Well I never,
I had never been so accosted in all my life
I wonder if they treated all their new members in this way Wink

Now, now, Scarlet Thou doth protest too much, methinks indeed even this is love.
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130  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: Man robbed my house.
 on: 07/27/11 at 11:48:05 
WE love thee too!  Kiss

Needless pain and sorrow doth bite, but that pain with a purpose to know what LIFE truly be and what true love doth see this one that would believe and know who it is that endures through thee, that lays it down purposely. So it is they cannot extinguish but find their hearts revealed, to rise and conquer through love's word and not a S-WORD. We may incarnate as another, and yet another but never defeated.

For it is HE that wears that Scarlet robe, that bears this for me. Though I be taken HE always will remain. TRUE LOVE REMAINS. But to the void no such JOY is known and no warning further will be given except they be swept away in the instant. For surely even an angel from heaven would be killed and they will not be reached.

But those that remain, what a life is promised.

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131  Prophecies and Predictions / Post Predictions / Re: trees talking
 on: 07/25/11 at 14:34:31 
Lately I have felt like I am swaying on a big rubber tire hanging from the biggest tree in the world ... wow what a ride!!!!!! Grin
I think I am starting to see the point in all this.

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132  Paranormal / Dreams / Re: Man robbed my house.
 on: 07/23/11 at 14:56:07 
A lot of those that I really care about came to say "I Love You" now after what I experienced, especially since they saw I chose it before it happened.  They now understand. Yea, I broke in and took an email address which is how I will reach You from now on. Please share it privately with the others as a very few joined together to decide for the rest of you. Thank You

I am overwhelmed by those closest to my heart at how well they came to understand.

This is the only time that I will be able to reach You like this. And to say I appreciate what you all write.

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