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shinzo sammy
Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:34 pm Post subject:
Tree synchronicity

A few days ago, I read a note from Kayenne. I
remembered her avatar used to be a face in tree leaves. I pondered. Then
forgot about it.
I began cooking
lunch with some of the herbs that my son had ground. After pinching a few
into the pot, I realised that he had put sage leaves in the mixture, So I
began to cull the leaf parts. I saw a few twigs from the basil, but they
were so small. I knew if food was chewed, it would be found and spit. I
kept cooking for about an hour or so everything would be soft enough for a
After lunch, I went
to the porch to read and stare at the trees, and I saw an eye from the
shape of the trees. A single leaf hanging vertically within a circle of
open space. It looked like an iris. I stared at it and watched how the sun would
change, yet the eye remained.
Suddenly, my SO cam
to the porch, he was gasping and talking about something stuck in his
throat. Hummm, I pondered, should I let him die? Luckily for him I was
reading a book about compassion. After a force, he followed my instructions
for removing the small basil stem out of his throat.
His head was cleared
and thanked me for saving his life.
The eye in the tree
was about the stem caught in his throat. The shape was like an iris,
circular, with the verticle leaf representing the stem.
Last edited by shinzo sammy on Wed May 16, 2007 7:08
pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 20 Sep 2006
Posts: 1133
Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:10 pm Post subject:

This tale makes me wonder, Sammy. Have you ever seen
Luis Bunuel's "Tristana"?
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shinzo sammy
Tue May 01, 2007 3:52 am Post subject:

Is that similiar to un chien d'andalous? I remember the
hand with the eye in the palm and the ants crawing out of the hand. Not
certain of the title, though. I have so many films from that period. Even
the crazy ones that dali made were fabulous to me.
If you can post
briefly about it when you are not up to your "eye balls" in work,
I'd like to hear the similiarity. Like you, my internet time is down to
about 30 minutes a day now.
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Tue May 01, 2007 7:51 am Post subject:

Sorry we Tarried in Yosemite
but here is what will be posted in many threads tommorrow.
As we walked at sunset I asked Pam
about the Kale that she made tonight. And she said that she cut the stems
to prepare them for us because they were too “bitter”.
Here are the rest of
the synchs.
We just got back
from Yosemite (Sorry about Tarrying on the Mountain) and all over and I
have many pictures to add to this tomorrow, but for now I will just post
this. Now these synchs belong in many posts from “new home, to Savannah, to
Magnolia and many more but I cannot post them until tomorrow as it is very
As we walked at
sunset I asked Pam about the Kale that she made tonight. And she said that
she cut the stems to prepare them for us because they were too “bitter”.
As we walked we saw
the fifth wheel that we really loved the elegance of. And then we saw the
name and I remembered the name synch about Savannah. It was a Savannah by
Avion. I told Pam about Savannah and MiM.
The fires and that
part of Georgia came to mind. Just earlier I tried to put an image to the
home that Pam and I were dreaming and it seemed to be a fifth wheel
although it is evolving. Just around the corner I found a Designer
And as we looked at
the Tree and the Moon rising through the branches we noticed the Tree in
the yard with the moon rising in the branches.
After working in
Newark then Modesto and Merced, We decided to take a nature break and went
to Mariposa where we got a room at the Miner’s Inn. I had gotten a
combination Orange Shirt and was walking when I found this Orange Butterfly
by the side of the road and then I remembered that Mariposa means
butterfly. Later I got a pic of myself by the orange butterfly similar to
the one I found while walking, but it did not turn out well cause the flash
was on.
I will tell You
things Your fathers have told you from of old. Psalms.
The healing
synchronicity of a single thought felt like. True power is a very gentle
thing. I thought about the symbol of a butterfly related to synchronicity
and how the simple coincidence can lead to a perfect healing. While in the
room Pam and I were drawn to the movie series. Robin Hood and felt a desire
to watch it. (Popeye and Olive Oil were on first and felt related to Robin
and Maid Marian.)The greatest synch was with the Arrow, for later on the
way home we found an Arrow and it felt related to “Hit the Mark”
Hit the Mark Which
my experience has many synchs with is related to Your Heart. This is not a
talent on my part but the expression of the perfect intent of the Spirit.
For as Robin used this gift to give back to the poor so the Spirit not so
interested in Gold and Silver as Hitting the Mark in Your heart. (See “hit
the mark” Another aspect of Robin Hood was that he went about
gathering the “Merry Men” and inviting them to join in his passion. This
felt related to another that said he would “come as a thief in the night.”
Can You not feel the coming of the Merry Men? Synch with this line in the
movie. “You will hand me your purse and if it weighs more than a an honest
gain then I will take a part and give the rest back to You. Maid Marion is
the Hearts and minds of America. “Oh, I lived in Sherwood Park in
Huntsville Alabama.
Defenders of the
Realm. Synchs here with (The Severed Ear Gallery in Mariposa, for the
Gallery was all about Given to Remember.)
Then a synch with
very long Dog Ears that dragged the ground and the curls picked up leaves.
Them ears hear more than sounds. And then the synch with He that has an
ear, let him hear.)Loves the Spirit.
We left for Yosemite
and were directed on a detour around where the Landslide had occurred that
Pam and I had documented before.
The Rock synch
occurred as I pointed to a group of rocks that were in a orderly formation
and the radio began to speak of rock as I pointed.
We went to the big
waterfall and I wrote these thoughts as we went down the trail to the water
The Veil of words,
The waterfall. Eclipsing every voice. A veil being lifted up. I then spoke
to Pam saying “ A torrent of voices” and a woman began to laugh loudly.
I saw how a man
spoke aloud feeling for a thought and his wife well meaning began to put
possibilities of what it may be he was feeling in his thoughts for and in
doing so the words put him further and further from the form that was
trying to form in his moment. Then we recalled “The Hat, The Sale, The Fit
and the matching Spirit. Like the Hand and the Glove we were meant to be
together.” How to Let go of the voices in your heart that do not hit the
Then the real cool
synch leaving Yosemite in Coulterville at the MAGNOLIA Saloon and Inn where
we were so tired that we decided to stay and enjoy the Rest of the Spirit.
We told the Lady at the Inn about the Magnolia Synchs relating to Healing.
Your moments in
wonder, reveal the true intentions of the heart. The smallest of points
overlooked changes entirely everything and renders all interpretations
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Joined: 20 Sep 2006
Posts: 1133
Tue May 01, 2007 10:32 am Post subject:

No, it's not much like "Un chien andalou"
(ick!). It's a much later film - 1970, I think. Much more subtle.
It's about power
between the sexes, and choices and shit that happens... With Bunuel's usual
twist of weirdness. I am not equating you with Tristana, but there are
certain things going on that are similar. You might like it, or rather, be
able to appreciate it. Then you might go wild for all of Bunuel's work, too
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shinzo sammy
Tue May 01, 2007 3:13 pm Post subject:

l'eau, when there is a silence in my field of living, I
will rent Tristana, for sure. :pl:
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Posts: 482
Tue May 01, 2007 6:50 pm Post subject:

How do I keep my thoughts away from intentions growing
a direction I do not want?
Let's say you knew
someone (Spirit) and loved them so much because of the love they showed
You, and you could not bear to be away from this one. So everything You do
you do with this one there. And this one is always in Joy.
And it was easy
Staying in Eden
Being with ONLY
Not for a moment do
I hide from YOU.
Pam and I were
driving down the hwy and talking about how to give attention to the
thoughts that are recognised from Spirit and how to avoid or dry up the
thoughts that were fear based or less than perfect. We passed a sign with a
picture of a hat that did not FIT and was covering a ladies whole head. It
said, just because it is a sale does not mean you need to buy it. I told her
about the perfect fit and recognising it and when you put the energy
towards where that comes from the other thoughts begin to fade. Practice in
the simple things of being AWARE and THERE for those thoughts that fit are
Humans have been
conditioned to believe that nothing is perfect and so they look for a dime
store idea that is the best you can do. When you begin to recognise that
perfect fit it will take you away from societies disbelief.
Your moments in
wonder, reveal the true intentions of the heart. The smallest of points
overlooked changes entirely everything and renders all interpretations
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Joined: 20 Sep 2006
Posts: 298
Tue May 01, 2007 6:56 pm Post subject:

dnatree wrote:
“new home, to
Savannah, to Magnolia
As we walked we saw the fifth wheel that we really loved the elegance of.
And then we saw the name and I remembered the name synch about Savannah.
It was a Savannah by Avion. I told Pam about Savannah and MiM.
Heres one...Ive
bought my home so in a way its new...and Ive painted it Magnolia all the
way through...along with tones of browns, but mainly Magnolia...
Have you been Astral
peekin at my decoratin DNA? 
The greatest insult
to a person is to be ignored.... Bob Hendricks

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Joined: 27 Sep 2006
Posts: 482
Tue May 01, 2007 9:23 pm Post subject:

MiM, I felt something going on with You. Best of luck!
Other synchs:
Forget about trying
to be good
Follow the true
intentions of your heart through synchs with your moment and You will be a
fountain of good.
Your moments in
wonder, reveal the true intentions of the heart. The smallest of points
overlooked changes entirely everything and renders all interpretations
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Joined: 20 Sep 2006
Posts: 298
Tue May 01, 2007 9:25 pm Post subject:

dnatree wrote:
MiM, I felt something going on with
You. Best of luck!
Other synchs:
Forget about trying to be good
Follow the true intentions of your heart through synchs with your moment
and You will be a fountain of good.
Ill remember your
The greatest insult
to a person is to be ignored.... Bob Hendricks
